10 March 2008

Growing zucchini

Planting & garden portal & forum lamps Shop with lumens, Flos, Foscarini, Ingo bricklayer, Anta.. The sad one each flower is weeds, the Gl?lichen each weeds a flower. : The picture is genuinly super. But before the Hornet I would have had, see fear riessig out: The cattle look rather common. In my childhood I was stung times by a Hornet: I heard, this Kambodschani Hornet is poisonous for humans: Give Ricarda quite, me however presenting can that a pass can be dangerous. Naked virgins put the beans to strike. again are however clearly less all Birnbä.ume of, than in the last year. At that time I had accepted such Bä.ume stü.nden in view of, briefly before dying. But far been missing, despite pear rust there was many Frü.chte, 2006 and 2007. If I put the point of view down of the concern (which goes in view of the limited life span of the wild garden now more easily), I see even the special Ä.sthetik, which the mushroom lends to the sheet work - which fü.r a color contrast. We found this interesting Gewä.chs at a wild rose bush at the Baltic Sea beach with Wismar: In order which acts it, weiß. I not, fü.hlte me also not thereafter, the strange thing to zerstö.ren, in order to photograph it in the detail. This pasture has me likewise verblü.fft - there is really growth genius, who does not leave itself by nothing at all to under wars. One got and made two days after first (and only) the Zucchini yellow Blä.tter growing in groß.en Kü.beln institutes, dry gedü.ngt - perhaps was that too much. More probably it appears to me that we have in an important growth phase times - nevertheless all world Brennesseljauche and their positive effects praises into the sky. From my Toskana times I remembered Zucchinis as, which and grew no special care bedü.rfen like the devil. Is not obviously correct in our widths: also those plants, whose sheet work does not exhibit any Schä.den, have problems, to carry WHOLE Frü.chte. Often only the Hä.lfte is developed normally, the remainder looks like a verschrumpelter wurmfortsatz and is inclined to the putrid. Perhaps it is because of the Kü.beln, but had also the previous owner of the garden Zucchinis into this Kü.beln. We gieß.en now anyhow rather more than few, because that the flü.ssigkeitsbedü.rftige Gewä.chse are, one sees to them to “.Das Abstoß.en von Blü.ten with Zucchini is zurü.ckzufü.hren on different Wachstumsstö.rungen. A little sunnier and badly belü.fteter a location is fü.r Zucchini such as fü.r all Gemü.searten von Nachteil. If the soil is not by soil loosening lacking durchlä.ssig enough, Staunä.sse or air shortage can have an unfavorable effect. It is not sufficiently enriched with humus, like deposited stable muck or ripe compost, kö.nnen darü.ber outside temporary Nä.hrstoffmangel-Situationen arises. There in the back at the wall hab’. I the remainder turned off, together with the new beginning, which stinks not little. The blackbird does not seem to deter the smell however - perhaps blackbirds smell nothing. With the finished liquid manure hab’. I all useful plants (tomatoes, Zucchini, paprika, mangold etc.. And promptly the question arises: How often one actually makes that. Only once or each week again mö.chte, is cordially invited to do this by means of a comment. It is however the ONLY plant, which shows such Schä.den, perhaps becomes it only from the other two “.verdrä.ngt”. Brennesseljauche - Dü.nger from nature like it Mylo guessed/advised set, hab’. I thus recently a bucket Brennesseljauche. Erstmal the Einmer to three quarters with peeled off Brennesseln gefü.llt (autsch.), then to stand leave and occasionally umgerü.hrt. That stinks really like the Hö.lle. Like I nearly expected habe’. gibts there quite different opinions of groß.en plants becomes 1:10 verdü.nnt. in the Frü.hjahr can be yielded the Brennesseljauche unverdü.nnt. In the very much in the detail going. A friend guessed/advised to squirt Kupferlö.sung but appears this Maß.nahme as a quite drastic interference in the happening. Rather I am dafü.r to place to the course of the things nothing into the way: the peach does not fit simply into the local climate. A small search bestä.tigt that beside peaches also the nectarines befä.llt. Temperatures from 10 to 15° begü.nstigen the infection. Also strong pouring, more easily rain and frü.he heat periods in the Frü.hjahr affect the illness negatively. Now, those are tatsä.chlich the natü.rlichen Bediungungen in this country. Against the consequences anzukä.mpfen, keep I fü.r senseless.

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