07 March 2008

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Celuis which remains accroch?ux roots of the tree, and which refuses to assemble juqu'?a summit, will never look at what occurs derri? the mountain. Thus, one finds all with the bottom of the list of 180 countries Somalia and Myanmar, two nations?'?nomy d?quescente which are also the th?re serious agitations. Denmark, Finland and the News-Z?nde appear for their part like the least corrupted countries. Canada, malmen?u course of the derni?s ann? in the foul?du scandal of the mixed liability companies, has am?or?on r?ltat and figure d?rmais in neuvi? position. "All in all, the political parties have?, by far, per? like the most which corrupted institutions of the soci?, estimate Transparency International thus. C’.est a figure in progression by?’.ann?derni report/ratio?, o?6 country on 62 had cit?or syst? parties like the most corrupted l’.institution." However, indicates l’.ONG, the corruption has d’.autant more d’.impact on the personal life of the individuals qu’.ils are poor. The Gallup Poll r?is?our Transparency International r?le also qu’.une majorit?e people (57 %) estimates that the corruption has augment?u course of the three derni?s ann?. 27 % think qu’.elle is rest?stable, and 10 % qu’.elle A diminu?Ce pessimism are found when one?que to l’.avenir. 44 % of the people interrog? think that the corruption will increase during three next ann?, 30 % qu’.elle will remain the m?, and 19 % qu’.elle will decrease. Paradoxically, "ḻ.Afric is characterized by its relative optimism", underlines Transparency International. However, Huguette Labelle regrets, "if people are pessimistic, they will not have the feeling qu’.ils can do something" against the corruption. No r?on of the world n’.?appe?a r?e, except ḻ.Afric, o?a police force arrives in T?, right in front of the political parties. "Six of the huits African countries taking part"?’.enqu? have d?gn?a police force like the most which corrupted l’.institution of the soci?, affirm Transparency International thus. Do Cameroun, Ghana and Nigeria arrive in T? of list. The countries d?lopp?et them syst? d?cratic are not?rgn? In Western Europe, the political parties are followed by the l?slatif capacity, as well as the sectors of the businesses and the m?as. Lastly, "if ONG and the religious institutions are per?s commes the least corrupted institutions (." the r?ltats of this enqu? are a signal d’.alarme ", pr?ent Huguette Labelle. But "the things can change, indicates it, that requires leadership, volont?t of the pressure" on behalf of the public opinions. The communaut?nternationale has condamn?eudi the assassination of the leader of the Pakistani opposition and former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, while calling with calms and?a retained in Pakistan. Do at least 20 people have? you? in the attack. The Council of s?rit?e UNO has condamn?' assassination highly. He held a r?ion urgently and publi?ne d?aration condemning the terrorist attack "in the terms more v?ments". He has appel?ous?lement the Pakistani?aire proof of a reserve and to?aintenir a stabilit?ans the country. The secr?anger g?ral of UNO Round of applause Ki-moon has call? compara?e authors in the t?possible justice. Bush, who has condamn?e murder vigorously, has appel?u t?phone her counterpart Pakistani Pervez Musharraf to discuss of the cons?tive situation?' assassination. For its part, pr?dent it Russian Vladimir Putin has envoy?n message of condol?ces?. Musharraf, by expressing its hope that the assassins of Mrs. Bhutto will be trouv?et will face?e s?res punishments ", has soulign?. British the Prime Minister Gordon Brown has condamn?e murder, by indicating that it?it "one day sad" for the libert?olitique one and the d?cratie. The secr?anger g?ral of the Arab League Amr Moussa highly has condamn?' assassination of Mrs. Bhutto and exprim?a shocks about such "an odious terrorist crime". The king of Jordan Abdullah II has exprim?e support of his country for Pakistan so that it surmounts the cons?ences of the incident. Pr?dent indon?en Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has condamn?e murder and exprim?es condol?ces deep?a family of Mrs. Bhutto and in Pakistan as a whole. In Africa, the South-African government has appel?ous the parties in Pakistan and the Pakistani people?ester calm during this p?ode tr?turbulente. Pr?dent of S?t nig?an David Mark has condamn?' assissinat, by affirming that it?it an unexpected action within a framework d?cratic. The premi? attack took place at the time of a gathering of reception?arachi, the largest city of Pakistan little apr?son return, making 139 dead. Does Mrs. Bhutto have Pr? oath like Pakistani the Prime Minister in d?mbre 1988, becoming the premi? woman?iriger the Pakistani government. But does its government have? dissolves in 1990 for all?tions of corruption. P? of does Mrs. Bhutto?lement Pakistani a Prime Minister, have? hung by the arm?en 1979. Does R?ue in 1993, it have? once again excluded from its functions three years later under the charges of bribe. It is all?en exile in April 1999. Does Source:toutes the news services the UMA have? Cr? 17 f?ier 1989 at the time of a r?ion?arrakech of the Heads of States d' Alg?e, of Libya, of Mauritania, of Morocco and Tunisia. Its secr?riat is not fix?t follows for the moment the pr?dence which annually passes from a Head of State?' other. L’.amazigh is primarily oral and daily. Of this language s?laire, there remained an alphabet: some traces?ites on?taphes…. Does Mohamed Ouagrar often have? face?’.absence of words. It has? to collect at the old ones. ..Aupr?de those which n’.ont qu’.une only language, a berb? tr?pur, and which does not know a word d’.arabe.., says it. A d?rche qu’.avaient followed Chadia Derkaoui, linguist, and Zohra Makach, professeure th?re to?’.universit?’.Agadir, when elles had translated the Right ones in 2004. ..La justice, the r?lution, is concepts which we had of the evil?aire to pass in amazigh. We?ons will confront? ?’.?anget?e our mother tongue which we never n’.avons apprise…... The nearest publication d’. While waiting for Godot t?igne revival of the culture amazigh. The language had r?st?u ph?cian, with the latin…. but the XXe si?e failed well to have its words. ..Le bulk-heading g?raphic of Berb?s l’.a a long time sauv? explain Chadia Derkaoui. But with ḻ.alphab?sation and d?loppement of the means of communication, it became tr?fragile. Apr?le protectorate fran?s, the kingdom had an obsession: l’.unit?Pas question of allowing l’.apprentissage mother tongues... Hassan II?uffe the language and the culture berb?. But in 2001, Mohamed VI - which assumes a berb?t?enue its m? - d?are that the language amazigh is?ment fundamental of l’.identit?ationale Moroccan. Royal L’.Institut for the culture amazigh (Ircam) codifies the language?econstruire then. L’.amazigh east d?rmais enseign?ans several?les and last September, to l’.universit?’.Agadir opened a master in language and culture amazigh. On a white sheet, Mohamed Ouagrar traces symbols. B?ns, forks and crosses. Apr?2001, it was necessary well to lay down this language on the papier…. and to choose an alphabet. ..Pour to leave l’.impasse, l’.Ircam chose l’.alphabet d’.origine language amazigh, l’.alphabet tifinagh, near to the ph?cien., rap.porte Chadia Derkaoui. With l’.origine, l’.ama.zigh could s’.?anger of right-hand side?auche, bottom in haut…. Does L’.Ircam have tranch? it will be read of left?roite. Since, l’.amazigh takes again life little?eu. Flowers of the evil, the Small prince or Roberto Zucco de Kolt?ont? translated. And l’.attente of Godot, therefore, in a language o?ourtant, the word..agenda.. ṉ.exist not..Dans an oral language, that to make d’.un o?crire object you return. It fr?graft the?le Tizi-Hibel to?artir of? from 7 years. In 1928, he is a stock-broker?' Primary school Sup?eure de Tizi-Ouzou. He enters?' Teacher training school of Bouzar?en 1932 o?l makes the knowledge of Emmanuel Robl? In 1935, he is a nomm?nstitutor?izi-Hibel o?l?use his Dehbia cousin of which he will have 7 children. In 1952, he is a nomm?irector of the Compl?ntaire Course of Extremely-National. In 1957, nomm?irector of the Nador School of Closed-Salembier, it leaves Kabylie for the heights of Algiers. In 1951, it is in correspondence with Albert Camus, July 15, it finishes the ground and blood r?mpens?n 1953 by the populist price. In 1960, he is Inspecteur of the Social Centers?h?au-Royal pr?de Ben-Aknoun. With five of its coll?es, it is l?u' it is assassin?ar the OAS on March 15, 1962?uatre days of the cease-fire. Mouloud Feraoun has commenc?on first autobiographical novel the son of low in 1939.. it is not publi?u' in 1950?ompte of author. It is only into 1954 that the Threshold publishes it expurg?es 70 pages relative?' Teacher training school of Bouzar? The?tions of the Threshold publish, in 1957, the ways which go up, the translation of Po?s of If Mohand?nt?t?par the Editions of Midnight in 1960. Its Newspaper, r?g?e 1955?962 is given to the Threshold as a f?ier 1962 and will not be publi?u' apr?sa mort.Les Chemins which assembles (1957) roman.Les Po?s of If Mohand (1960) collection of po?e. Go in the street and ask?a premi? nobody whom you cross who is Cha?a. List to him then names of large artist-painters Moroccan, figurative or abstract, dead or alive. That or that that you will have will crois?aura in?tablement which is the premi?. As?otre prestigious list, there are strong chances that it leaves them marble. Cha?a is without question only the popular artist-painter in Morocco. each appearance, it broke in thousand pieces l’.image that l’.on is done of ḻ.artist, inaccessible and herm?que character. the language of the people, the darija of his Chtouka native, it scrambled the tracks?erveille. Popular Cha?a, but Cha?a mal-aim? The circle ferm?e l’.art contemporary Morrocan is to him often rest?erm?Cha?a g?it, d?ngeait much d’.intellectuels of l’.art. It did not resemble to them and its painting did not resemble?a them. It combed its trees, its flowers and his wives, happy with the house and the dogs. Cha?a Talal?it a girl of the countryside and l’.est rest? Mari??3 years, widow and m? of?5 family, nothing intended it?a painting. If this n’.est this R? qu’.elle made?’.? from 25 years and which said to him: "L? and paint", and if this n’.est this wire, Lhoucine, which will l’.aidera?e to raise. Like a child, Cha?a gets blue painting, "that with which one paints the entourages of the doors", and made t?es and prints. The free painting of Cha?a?it. A painting without r?es and G? who could all dare. Without ma?e, far from all d’.?le and not from r?rences which would come to scramble l’.innocence of the feature and the color. Paris, Copenhagen, Ibiza, Chin, capital Rotterdam and d’.autres artistic accomodate ḻ.artist will?ras open. The faces of women of Cha?a travel?ravers the world, at the time o?’.art modern Morrocan in is?es stammerings and account a poign?de painters. The son, him, m? d’.une hand of ma?e its carri? and that of its m?. Cha?a s’.exporte jusqu’.?a the Havana and most prestigious driven? and galleries open their doors to him. Its tables, in parall?, feed the collections d’.?ats (France?ats-Plain, Italy, Japan, Switzerland, Australia, India, ha?, etc.) and the largest collections priv?, of which that of the king of Morocco. Cha?a, it, does not change. The m?s caftans, the m?s jewels, the m? plumpness and the m? darija of Chtouka.: "I n’.ai never chang?Ma life is easier but I am the m?", she?icole of Pontcharra said. N’.oublie not which I am a country-woman ". The country-woman of arts, s’.est?inte Friday April 2, 2004. Are the journalist and artist Abderrahim Bargache d?d?mercredi morning in a h?tal of Casablanca?'? from 59 years of the continuations of a long disease. It will be inhum?emain Thursday apr?la pri? d’.Addohr. Feu Abderrahim Bargach has camp?lusieurs r?s in films of cin?, sitcoms and s?es t?vis?. Journalist of formation and profession, Abderrahim Bargache has?di?u Center of Training of the Journalists of Reduction and in the Center of Training and Improvement of the Journalists of Paris of the street of the Louvre. ?aris and has collabor?our several bodies of press fran?s, in particular the World, Lib?tion, Psychologie, l’.Agence France Presses, l’.Agence Parisian Centrale of Press. He has? does r?ctor as a Directing chief then r?onal of Mr. Of 1986?000, it have anim?ne?ssion of consacr?aux t?vision arts of cooking compar? ‘.Walima or cooks it in f?’., become ‘.Walima’. National and international expert in gastronomy Abderrahim Bargache is Directeur of collection of l’.encyclop?e kitchen at OKAD. He has publi?es articles in l’.Encyclop?e of Morocco, Morocco of the potentialit? Moroccan civilization. He has? ?lement Pr?dent of l’.Acad?e Moroccan of the Gastronomy and member of the Jury Food Slow fox trot. It has? also Cuill? d’.Or of the Club of Po?s Gourmets d’.Allemagne, knight of the confr?e of di?tic the m?terran?ne, My? d’.Or of the 2? ?tion of the Culinary Festival d’.Art of F? A uvre painted not with the Black but in the Black. Fact of the?des of visual arts. It d?loppe a style tragic with a pictorial?iture?arges milked brown, blue of ink and especially black color. But much of do fabrics keep a r?rve, a white, a point of day, an attic window o?a lumi? triumph and appears. It also said: "It is what I do who teach me what I seek, because the artist goes towards what it conna?pas by ways that he is unaware of". C’.est a color which does not compromise. A color forces but which however encourages?̱.int?orisation. When the lumi? s’.y refl?, he transforms it, transmutes it. He opens a mental field which is clean for him." Because c’.est l?ue all occurs: in the lumi? black. Then, Relieve champion of the monochromic black. Precisely not, since this n’.est not the color it-m? who is his mat?au first, but well the lumi? qu’.elle r?le and organizes. Or one "to outrenoir", to take again the name qu’.il has donn?ux immense fabrics qu’.il s’.est put to?ecouvrir int?alement black to?artir of 1979. And whose l’.origine goes up can -?e?a tender childhood and?ette history rest?grav?dans family annals. It had?eine then eight years. With a friend of its sœ.ur a?e which required this qu’.il of him?it drawing?’.encre on a white sheet, it had r?ndu.: a landscape of snow. To laugh at the young lady: a landscape of black snow?’.encre. The young person gar?, vex?n’.en d?rd not. "what I wanted to do with my ink, underlines it, c’.?it to return the white of paper even whiter, more luminous, like snow. C’.est at least ḻ.explication that j’.en gives now. Its fabrics g?tes, often d?in? into polyptyques, nothing shows which is to them a ext?or nor do not return?ien d’.autre qu’.elles-m?s. In front of them, the spectator is assign?rontalement, englob?ans l’.espace qu’.elles s??nt, seized by l’.intensit?e them pr?nce. A physical, tactile, sensual pr?nce and d?geant formidable a?rgie contained. But m?physic also, which forces?’.int?orit?t?a m?tation. Does a painting of mat?alit?ourde and force, and, all?a time, d’."immati?" changing and vibrating which does not cease changing according to l’.angle by which one l’.aborde. L’.art de Soulages is in direct l’.action which is sought while being done. But in the last analysis, it, "l’.œ.uvre observe saw glance qu’.on carries to him. It limits neither?e qu’.elle is nor?elui which l’.a produced, it is also made that which looks at it. Is my painting a space of questioning and m?tation o?es direction qu’.on him Pr? can come to be done and d?anger ". Did nothing pr?stinait this young commuter without fortune, n?n 1903, with the foot of the Montmartre hillock to?evenir one of the g?ts fran?s vingti? si?e. Elev? because of the s?ration of his/her parents, by three women, her large-m?, its m? and his/her aunt, it will d?uvrira initially the world through books and driven?. Malraux is impassioned for painting cubist. A large merchant of table, which is a also?tor, Kanhweiler, will?tera in 1921 the first book of Malraux.: The paper moons. Then does Malraux meet Clara Goldschmidt, rich person h?ti? of a German family?gr? The girl is imm?atement s?ite by this gar? ?gant?' brilliant intelligence and with the remarks p?llants. Malraux places the fortune of sound?use out of purse. The Mexican companies mini?s in which it has all mis?ne will not hold their promise. With is the day before of No?1923, the couple arr? ?hnom-Penh. Is Andr?alraux condamn? three years of firm prison. Clara Malraux, it, b?ficie of nona place and arrive?entrer to France. It will r?sira, by mobilizing a score of large?ivains fran?s?aire lib?r her husband. But this s?ur Asian has donn?e to him virus of the adventure and has r?l?on int?t for the political action. Its anti-colonial positions are worth some d?l?avec to him justice. R?ctor as a chief of a clandestine publication, Indo-China encha?e, Malraux follows with an attentive glance the?nements of the Chinese r?lution, in particular soul?ment of Canton (1925). Returned to France, it publishes its first novels: The Temptation of the Occident (1926), Conqu?nts (1928), the royal Way (1930, Interalli price? The human condition is worth the Goncourt price to him in 1933. Its go?de the action and its convictions antifascists push Malraux?articiper?a Spanish civil war with the c?s of the r?blicains in 1936. These?nements will inspire a large novel to him: The Hope (1937) and a film (Sierra of Terruel, 1939) During the second world war, Malraux enters tardily the r?stance (in 1943) under the name of colonel Berger. It?ouve large difficult? as well aupr?des r?stants gaullists as Communists, who it consid?nt like a late defector. In July 1944, its car falls into a ambush?oulouse.: bless?Malraux is arr?, interrog?et transf? ?a Michaelmas prison of Toulouse. It does not owe its lib?tion, in ao? that?n d?rt pr?pit?es German. A great r?proque admiration cr?entre two men. Malraux agrees to become its technical adviser?a Culture and becomes a??re Minister for Information (November 1945?anvier 1946). At the time of its return to the businesses in 1958, he becomes Minister of State charg?es cultural Affairs. The militant r?lutionnaire is mu?n militant gaullist. Its magn?que diction and haletante r?nne for a long time in our m?anger.: the speech fun?e of Directs and the transfer of ashes of Jean Moulin to Panth?. Malraux will still publish the Voice of Silence (1951), M?morphose of the gods (1957-1976), and Antim?anger (1967). In 1970, it publishes Ch?s which one cuts down, a last homage to the g?ral of missing Gaulle, of which it?it rest?e nearer to the companions. It dies in 1976?' h?tal Henri-Mondor de Cr?il, continuation?ne congestion of the lungs. "do the empires last approximately 120 years" Ibn Khaldoun (1331-1406), historian maghr?n, has? one of the first th?icians of the history of civilizations. Is such the caract? of all sciences, so much those which rest on the autorit?ue those which are bottom? on the reason. Ibn Khaldoun has the leisure of?dier only the world arabo-Moslem (Andalusia, the Maghreb, Machreq). It is thus within this framework limit?u' it?bore its th?ie cyclic of rural civilizations or b?uines (' umran badawi) and urban (' umran hadari). For him, civilizations are port? by tribes which melt dynasties and empires." Do the empires as well as the men have their own life, They grow, they arrive?'? of maturit?puis they begin??iner.En g?ral, the dur?de life of the empires, d?sse not three g?rations (approximately 120 years). Is Ibn Khaldoun consid? like one of the founders of political sociology. Youssef Chahine, great price of the 50e birthday of the Festival of Cannes (1997). Was wire of a Syrian lawyer, Youssef Chahine?v?ans the faith chr?enne and Re? its English?cation in prestigious Victoria College of Alexandria. Does Apr?une ann??' Universit?' Alexandria, it settle?asadena, in California, o?l?die the cin? and the interpr?tion. Of return in?ypte in 1948, it begins??iser its own films. The first fate in 1950, it is Papa Amine. Since, 40 films have? r?is? of which in particular: Central station (1958), the Sparrow (1973), the return of the prodigal son (1976), Alexandria why. (1978), M?anger (1982), Good-bye Bonaparte (1984), Sixi? day (1986), Alexandria, still and always (1989), Caire…. racont?ar Chahine, documentary (1991), the?igr?1994), the Destiny (1997). Both, as in the religions r?l? previously by Mo? and Christ, d??nt non-violence, the tol?nce, the respect of the life, and love of the next one. Averro?est the principal character of the r?t….. (Youssef Chahine) Curiosit? It is him which would have d?uvert Omar Sharif. 14 years, he wanted to dance as Gene Kelly pr?nt?ardi?rasilia at the time of a c?monie in pr?nce of pr?dent br?lien Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Our objective of stabilization is demanding but reasonable. From here?030, the average co?annuel would be 1,6% of the world GDP. But it repr?nte less of two thirds of the world military d?nses. Would the price of the inaction be much more?v? estim?e UNDP in its?de has. The document underlines embl?que "climatic changes are scientifically ind?ables. We know D of them? enough to understand that the risks are?v?et potentially catastrophic ". In the?de, a group of experts notes that the co?de the fight against the climatic change will not be the m? for all. "Those which have contribu?u probl g?reusement?, the rich countries, are not those which will suffer more?ourt term. "the political d?s most difficult are in the field of the distribution". But, the authors of the report/ratio, "we underline should not allow the d?ccords on the r?rtition to block the progr?. "In terms of world GDP, these effects?ourt term will not be significant. But for some of the people more d?voris?du world, the cons?ences risk apocalyptic?e ", estimates the UNDP. The person in charge for the multi-field?ipe of r?ction for the document, Kevin Watkins, stresses that it acts of a "call?' action and not of a message to d?spoir". "While working together we can gain the battle against the climatic change"?it-il.Il reached?a mid-October, p?ode its high limit of size each ann? 26 million km, is?ivalent it surface of Am?que of North. The NOAA pr?t the stabilit?u hole of ozone?' horizon of an immediate future. Let us recall that successive and voluntary engagements?ts (protocol of Montr?) allowed to decrease by 80% the CFC?ssions. What entered? a reduction in the protective coating of ozone on Europe. They are today the concentrations of gases?ffet of greenhouse (mainly CO2) which d?adent stratosph?que ozone. Could the climatic change thus delay the reconstitution compl? layer of ozone, waited in approximately 50 years. And no am?oration n’.est waited before 2010, according to this?de europ?ne. Mohamed Zefzaf?ivain Moroccan, are n?n 1945 will??tra. Zafzaf has?it dozen novels and news while working all d’.abord as teacher in one lyc?avant to become biblioth?anger of this?le. Well qu’.il has? ignor?ar the majority of its contemporaries and the critics litt?anger of alive sound, Zefzaf east d?rmais F? ?itre posthumous. In 2002, l’.un of the most prestigious prices of Arab litt?ture, the Price Mohamed Zafzaf of Arab litt?ture, was cr?en its honor. This citizen?it makes so anxious qu’.il of it often vomitted?ause of sound inqui?de. Does the Moroccan litt?ture cry one of its men more distingu? here like elsewhere. Mohamed Zefzaf died, Friday?asablanca of the continuations of a serious disease. But its œ.uvres is always l?vivantes, preserving its anguishes, its r?s and its hopes but also those of its fellow-citizens. Because fire Zafzaf?it the way of without voice, the d?nsor of the people of modest means, the d?nis, the marginal ones. Its death came to point out the œ.uvres of a humble and modest man to us. CH? Palestinian (koufyeh) always with the neck, furrowing the recesses of its Casablanca city and c?yant its neighbors of the Ma?f district. "the?iture needs contemplation", did not cease it a r?ter. And it is precisely of this contemplation that it laid in 1984 its novel, of the remainder more c?bre, the Egg of the cock?it in three ann?. Translated into several languages, whose Fran?s in 1998, this book obtained the Price of the Large Atlas the m? ann? It recalls the history of a family of fortune, naufrag?de the soci? Morrocan woman. With the wire of the chapters, the d?it author the portrait of each character, restoring to them v? the marginal ones that the circumstances have r?is in a m? place: Casablanca. Blow, Zefzaf is the example more?fiant of the?ivain engag?"Mohamed simple Zefzaf?it not only one?ivain but also one of the Moroccan?ivains whose voice is?ndue apart from Morocco. In 1970, it publishes its collection of new "Dialogues" at the end of the night (appeared?amas, in Syria), o?l reports its adolescence by treating mœ.urs and body. œ.uvres which have? translated into a score of languages of which N?landais, Fran?s, the English and the Spaniard, but also the Kurd. D?d?n 2001, fire Zefzaf has dit:"Il has rest for the?ivain there only death". It obtained the baccalaur? in 1966 was and, thereafter, arr? and incarc? for three months for its political activism. Its premi? news Yas' alounaka? Al-qatl (in Arabic) was publi?en 1971 in newspaper Al Alam pertaining to the Party of Istiqlal. Az-zarafa Al-mouchta? :Points of sight on the Moroccan modern news. Its chief-of œ.uvre is M undoubtedly? (1935), which inspired the musician Darius Milhaud. He is also the author of novels: Martyrdom one to support (1928), a hole in T? (1964), Medua (1976). THE WHITE HOUSE, HOUSE OF THE POET, SIEGE OF THE FOUNDATION MAURICE CAR?E AND MUSEE MAURICE CAR?E. It is the love which did of this modest teacher one of the Belgian authors most known in the world. Love of the children to which it has prodigu?on teaching during a quarter of si?e. It has?it for them po?s simple, primesautiers, f?ic and full with humour and fra?or (Pigeon flies, Cox's orange pippins, ….). Because, this child?v?ans tenderness, will have gard?urant all his life one pi? subsidiary company which it knew to express with much sinc?t?o?que. It obtained for its collection M?, the triennial..Prix of po?e.. It has, moreover, re?de..Prix of Acad?e fran?se.. for its plate the white house. A Po? who will have opportun?nt rappel?ue the beaut?a?de the simplicit?t of the sinc?t?La house of Po? (Nellie avenue Melba, 14?nderlecht) became Mus?Maurice Car?. the colonization of all Palestine is registered with the cœ.ur Zionist project. But l’.enjeu principal is especially to push Hamas and all the r?stance to??ir to justify then a policy of r?ession d’.envergure against the Palestinian people.) forces of national lib?tion in Lebanon. In Palestine occup? the people Palestinian have been, plain always upright for more than sixty years against l’.infernale machine of colonial war isra?enne. The 13 ao?1961, the Berliners d?uvre with stup?ction their city divis?en two by a r?au of barbel? This d?sion taken the day before by the Council of Ministers of GDR was to officially make it possible to dam up the exodus of its nationals towards FRG. But it hid especially probl?s much older li?au international context of?que, that of the Cold war. It is?erlin which this conflict?rgea in 1948 with the blockade, and it is l?u' it will be ach?ra 40 years later with the fall of the Berlin Wall. 1961 thus mark a d?sif turning in this history o?es stakes?nomic, political and id?ogic are with the cœ.ur conflict which opposes the United States?' the USSR. However, it is the situation well particuli? from Berlin which explains why it is the object of all the attentions. However, as long as the alli?d' formerly are meant, there is no concern except that the situation becomes complicated. It is thus as well as a wall has?rg?D?d?par Ulbricht and planifi?ar Honecker, it will put less journ?pour?e appliqu? The arm?populaire and organizes it fronti?s put the?x?tion project then. The fronti?s are ferm?, stopped public transport. Barbel?et barricades are install?et the chauss?d?v?. Is Berlin East under contr? and its inhabitants cannot thus go Western?erlin or to GDR any more. The 23 ao? Berlin Is is not more accessible. The r?me Is German will polish during ann? the am?oration of the monitoring of the Wall. If in 1961 and 1962, the fortifications repr?ntent only 12 km of wall, in 1970, they 155 km reach. Is D?1972, the wall consid? like insuperable. Do the attempts at?sion thus have? many. One estimates? 043 the number people to?voir r?si to?ranchir the Wall and?39, the number fugitive to?voir? you? Tunnels, m?llic cars, boats, c?es, d?isements, the means to pass the wall were sometimes more surprising. The collective?sion most spectacular remainder when m? that of the 57 people who creus?nt a tunnel under the fortifications of the fronti?. The popular pressure face?e lack of will libert?onduira?issurer the sovi?que r?me. Several factors thus have jou?ans the collapse of the Berlin Wall. All begins really?' acc?rer with the visit of official in FRG de Mikha?Gorbatchev in May 1987. This last m? an innovative policy marqu?par the abandonment of the Brejnev doctrines. October 7, of many demonstrations of protests against the r?me take place and German asks for?orbatchev of come to them to assistance. October 18, 1989, Honecker is limog?t on November 9, 1989, the Council of Ministers of GDR d?de the opening of the Berlin Wall and the fronti?s. Do thousands of Berliner of the east as of the west gather around the wall of "shame" for c?brer the end of 28 ann? of s?ration. L’.environnement is the place par excellence o?oit s’.appliquer the pluridisciplinarit?Les?des relate to?ments naturally concerning diff?ntes sciences of nature. N?moins, in the field of d?loppement durable, the aspects?nomic and social are also?nalyser and?nt?er in the?luations. Often, to?artir of probl?s environmental, multiple relations between?ments, sometimes close relations, sometimes?ign? are put in lumi?. Does the field of l’.environnement contribute of this F? ?ieux to render comprehensible to us our soci? and?ous?airer on the d?sions?rendre. However, those appear as univocal as by pass?L’.environnement is by d?nition without limits, because it s’.?nd only jusqu’.?elles which are to him attribu?, ?a time in l’.espace and time. That either does not facilitate to the t?e scientists. Scientists take part in the activit?de three great groups: within the authorities, industries and certain associations sp?alis?. Many scientific work contribute?ne description more pr?se of l’.environnement and the effects of the aggressions to which it is subjected. L’.?iture of Kha?Eddine is also obs?e by another HT?.: l’.exil. C’.est d’.abord the l’.enfant d?rt forc?e which leaves the South and the m?. L’.œ.uvre constantly will make a place of choice to the nostalgic memory of the country of l’.enfance. C’.est then l’.exil in France for a perp?elle life d’.errance. It seems that ḻ.autor always has nourishes an ambivalent feeling towards his origins. This South so much chant?ans its œ.uvre, it never will not seek? to return or s’.y to install. N?n 1941 in a village of the Moroccan South, Tafraout, it passes its childhood aupr?de its m?, but without p?, party to make fortune in the trade in North. P?, l’.enfant will find it later, lorsqu’.il will leave s’.inscrire?’.?le?asablanca. L’.adolescence in this city, c’.est the d?uverte of the vocation litt?anger and l’.?il of the political conscience. In 1960, one?nement will take place which will mark its life and its œ.uvre.: large the s?me which d?uit the city to d’.Agadir. In 1961, it gives up the?des to devote?’.?iture and share s’.installer to?gadir for two years. It turns over?asablanca in 1963, then s’.exile to France in 1965. It s’.installe in the South and m? a difficult life while working as workman. He?it with difficulty and animates a radiophonic?ssion for France Culture. In the ann? 70, it leave the South of France to carry out an existence of nomad?aris. It n’.?it almost more and saw collaboration?uelques local newspapers. It s’.exhibe readily in cultural events. In 1989, it still sets out again for a few times in France. Naus?noire (po?e), London, Si?es?ains, 1964. Body n?tifs, followed History d’.un good God (Romance), Paris, Threshold, 1968. Sun Arachnida (po?e), Paris, Threshold, 1969. Me l’.Aigre (Romance), Paris, Threshold, 1970. An odor of mant?e (Romance), Paris, Threshold, 1976. A life, a R?, people, always wandering (Romance), Paris, Threshold, 1978. L?nde and life d’.Agoun’.chich (Romance), Paris, Threshold, 1984. Me l’.Aigre, Casablanca, Tarik Editions, 2002, 164 p. A life, a R?, people, always wandering, Casablanca, Tarik Editions, 2002, 146 p. L?nde and life d’.Agoun’.chich, Casablanca, Tarik Editions, 2002. In several countries, Journ?mondiale of the child became a beautiful occasion to sensitize the public opinion?a causes protection of the child. In more d’.?e a journ?de festivit?utour of the children, one wishes to emphasize them in the public families and places. This date of November 20 has port?symbolique. The child repr?nte future of l’.esp? human. The autorit?judiciaires in load of the file?' Djamena did not have obviously? briefings of the arriv?de these families. Do the examining magistrate and the prosecutor of R?blique have Pr? to make d?que possible?b??our to audition the families of the children victims. Their d?acement?b??st maintained, has assur?es concordant legal sources?' AFP. Should these families thus be able?e re?s by the examining magistrate only?on return of Ab??pr? in weekend. Six members fran?s of the Arch of Zo?ont inculp?d' enl?ment of minors and four Chadians of complicit?L' Arch of Zo?vait tent?' to take along to France 103 children of the zone frontali? tchado-Sudanese woman by pr?ntant them like orphans of Darfour n?ssitant a medical?cuation. The enqu? in the sight of the identification of the whole of the children is always in hand. "Our hope rests on the government. If it authorizes us??p?r our children one will be able to take them again ", ajout?hba Abdallah Mahamat has. L’.enfant wonder of the Moroccan song of the sixties. L’.idole of crowd and the singer type-setter?a voice suave, charms as much as charismatic phlegm qu’.il d?ge. Qu’.aurait it r?ndu, small Younes, if there were demand?ue will make to him you when you are taller. It does not certainly n’.aurait h?t? d?gner music like the world id? in which he would like?luer. Marrakech, it s’.est m? ?a crowd, the m? glance shining and the m? to smile pleasing. Those which still fredonnent the traditional puncture-proof one, Di-RAM-injury, of the Megri. family: Hassan, Mahmoud, Jalila and Younes. Later in solo, it cuts through its own path and sign of the titles as l?ndaires as modern. Ya M’.raya, Anti Al Sabab, Ya my, Petty, Lili Touil.Ce last succ?est pirat?ar Bonney. But Youn?a have profit of cause aupr?des courts of Paris. Since, the l?nde of Youn?est on all the mouths. The succ?de this p?ode is quite simply resounding. In 1971 the young musician is distinguished in a contest from song for young person and sign a contract with the Polydor firm. Its album obtains the disc d’.Or in the Maghreb countries, Lebanon, l’.Iraq, France and Belgium. Youn?Megri intends to leave new CD. It will include/understand ḏ.ancians new songs and d’.autres for r?ndre?a pressing request of the friends and the fans. Informed M?mane, it reproaches?a Moroccan music ḻ.?oitess of its field of manœ.uvre and d?nce the policy of management of the musical cr?ion. L’.id? of lib?r the world of the music would be, c’.est?qui gives the retreat, which gives a?n and a richness to the songs qu’.on interpr?. “.Notre music is badly been useful. It n’.y does not have a comp?tion r?le which makes that our artists d?ncent themselves to give the best d’.eux one. But I remain always trustful to l’.avenir some. They are not the d?sions of the politicians who will slow down our asprirations of cr?ion. Does all have commenc?ar one v? vol?et it is by seeking its robber that Casius Clay entered a gymnasium of boxing in 1954. Wanting to break the mouth with the robber, there will learn boxing and will remain 27 years on the boxing rings. Its young R? to become champion of the world all cat?rie will be r?lera full with emb?es and turnings. Then to the Olympic Games of Rome in 1960, a few months apr?ses 18 years, it goes up at the top of the Olympic ideal with a gold m?ille. But the s??tionnism continues in the State of Kentucky and everywhere else in the United States. Did its style of tr?caract?stic boxing give him the nickname of "HeadHunter", it never struck with the body, always T? with the d?t of its carri?. With the origin, it had a larger lengthening-piece than the boxers of its age and liked the combat rapproch?Ses musculeuses legs made it "dance", it floated litt?lement on the boxing ring, never not ceasing d?acer and to cross the boxing ring. Its troisi? asset of boxer?it his mouth, his large mouth. On the boxing ring, it did not cease speaking, of haranguer its adversary, the "l?es of Louisville" did not let anybody speak for him either apart from the ground. It annon?t its victories and m? the round of the KB. Whereas the war of Vietnam beats her full and r?ame its livr?de flesh, Ali is call? to fight. He will refuse while mentioning: what refers?.les Vietcong anything did me. The pol?que one which follows leaves it suspended its licence of boxing in all United States. Its last combat in 1967 opposed it?rnie Terrell which had it provoqu?n appellant it "Clay", of its name of slave (as called it Ali). Ali will pass all the match?osser Terrell in him ass?nt of the "What’.s my name. He had lost his legs, he did not fly more. On the other hand, the court supr? he granted the gr.? from the 5 years of prison. Apr?diverses fortunes, the promoter Don King assembled?Rand blow of promotion and provocation an ultimate combat in Za?, African ground, ground of the slaves. The l?ndaire Ali against the Foreman mountain which had the lightning and the thunder in the two hands. Ali who did not dance this evening, prot?ait himself in the cords, received without stumbling the thunder and the?airs which rained on him. Its coach howled to him to leave the cords, the public always howled?a dead of Foreman, the commentators and the journalists howled with the match truqu?Et during this time, Ali caused his adversary while turning in d?sion the blows which its adversary carried to him. And was this during 7 rounds, putting Foreman on the kneecaps and Ali raised with the 8eme round, foreman knew D? that it had lost. One KB put a confirmation?out this. Ali finished his carri? while losing then taking again its world belt, and concluded its carri? with 56 victories (including 37 KB) and only 5 d?ites. For?e a "good liar", it is necessary to enjoy three facult?:Une good m?anger to remember the lies which one makes. It?ouve then what Nicolas Grimaldi invites "the grisery admirably to enter in dissidence compared to the R?". The word lie would come from Latin "lie", who want to say spirit, and from "dream", R?. But it does not act l?' a?mology. What imports at the bottom, and this for two reasons. The premi? is that this pun gives to the fabulist the opportunity richs rhyme and of an admirable fable. We admire the h??e of a man who as Socrate tries to be held upright by refusing any form of illusion. That there is in any lie ugliness and petty contradiction is true, but that any lie is immoral it is not. However we would have to find a means which makes that the lie, it is -?anger the exception, remains exceptional. Some judge it controvers?d’.autres simply Dr.?. The glance absent, Dieudonn?arle d’.une soft voice. Ḻ.humorist has obviously the smell of the formulation pos?et r??ie. Its r?nses does its T m?ssent lengthily in? before qu’.elles are lanc? with the journalist. Mon goal is to cause me me-m?, to make l’.autod?sion, it about its art explains. I am used for myself of certain aspects controvers?pour finding ḻ.inspiration, to call into question my clean pens?. This n’.est thus not a chance if the character has d?d?e replonger in some of his sketches more controvers?pour his new spectacle. C’.est to apr?avoir test?lusieurs formulas in France that the concept of Best Of does have germ?ans T? of corrosive Dieudonn?Cette news grinding of l’.humour of ḻ.artist will be pr?nt?en exclusivit?u public qu?cois the 20, 21 and next 22 June with the National. The num?s which form this service are all puis?dans l’.un of the seven spectacles of its carri?. Those which are familiar with the d’.?iture type of Fran?s know that its jokes are almost always reli? ?’.actualit?a more br?nte. This spectacle would it be for him F? to make pass its num?s to the judgement of l’.Histoire. J’.ai selected of the sketches to universal dimensions and the discussion thread is l’.ordre chronological?nements, r?nd it. The jokes which have provoqu?e more r?tions?’.?que of their cr?ion find in this new spectacle. Does Ḻ.humorist allow himself to trace a parall? between the r?tion of the public fran?s?etteo euvre and the compromises reasonable in Qu?c. Chacun has a rattach point of view of? its history, and do some have difficult? to make the sacrifice n?ssaire?a compr?nsion of l’.autre, says it. I am profond?nt for the neutralit?eligieuse one in the sph? public, but I respect profond?nt all the beliefs. Tout point of view is n?ssairement controvers?poursuit it. There are important subjects on which j’.ai firm opinions, and j’.en assumes the cons?ences. What I d?ore, c’.est the disproportion of the r?tions. Les Qu?cois has a pr?sposition for the laughter. C’.est cordial people, contrary to the climate, launches it while laughing. L’.humour is excellent a barom?e of the libert?’.expression in a nation. The v?tables sanctions come from the public, and I feel that Qu?c is tr??’.aise with?eu pr?n’.importe which subject. Dieudonn?vait annonc?on intention of pr?nter to the derni?s pr?dentielles?ctions fran?ses, before withdrawing itself before m? the d?t of the race. It has malgr?out a judgement tr?dur towards Nicolas Sarkozy? socialist face?a candidate S?l? Royal. Sarkozy is l’.arch?pe of the ambitious politician, without faith nimorale. J’.ai always known as that l’.empire never did n’.avait? also blazing qu’.avant its collapse, and c’.est this?uoi we are in the train d’.assister. Tr?politis?l’.homme n’.en does not remain less one humorist d’.abord and above all. The pol?que one does not seem the d?nger less world, him which sighs lorsqu’.on speaks to him about pol?que which surrounds its character. Nous let us be all l?our to laugh apr?tout, not. G?t d?nnaire, Rachid Benzine hiding place her play well. It is necessary to hear it speak to include/understand. Rachid Benzine is a islamologist of a confusing?dition. This native of Morocco, arriv?n France?'? from 7 years, in A today 33. But it is not yesterday that it has d?uvert the th?ogy. In this field, it would make plut?figure of young wonder. I am tomb?ur the Case Eugen Drewermann, an enthralling book on this pr?e catholic German become psychoth?peute. I am demand?ourquoi there was such an amount of din around him. It spoke about the virginal birth of J?s and showed how this travers?on id?avait only Islam but also all the religions. This reading opens?enzine new horizons. Admittedly, its family medium pr?stinait it?a spiritualit?Un p? ?dit, tr?pieux, a m? soft and attentive. ..On never had the occasion to speak religion with my p?. But did its practice impress me, in particular when it requested? H 30 of the morning, before leaving to work. The Rachid young person directs himself initially towards the?nomy. He wonders about his identit?rofonde. ..Je felt that I belonged?a marocanit??a maghr?nit??' arabit?nfin, explains it, concerned d?ntrer the progression of the id?en him. It y r?ge a chapter tr?int?ssant on F? of which, Moslem, reads the?angiles and d?uvre J?s to him. It is only 26 years old, but retains D? all attention of its?tor. He convinces m? this last to publish?' instar biblical?des, Moslem ex?ses of Coran. Rachid Benzine becomes director of the collection..Islam lumi?s.. with the?tions Albin Michel. Scrutinizing Moslem of Islam, his critic, if it is radical, does not exclude the respect from the belief. Its ambitions do not limit?'?tion. It R? of Cr? a foundation dot?d' important a biblioth?e, which would be?a time place of research and intellectual production, anim?par of the islamologists of the whole world. ..J' want to popularize to make the university knowledge and it available?ous, including with the political actors who wish to r??ir?a place of Islam in the soci? contemporary... In the foul? it would like Cr? a universit?opulaire addressing?es younger listeners. ..Les better sp?alists of the pens?musulmane would come to teach, then their courses would be available on Internet. ..Le to know should not remain in the ferm?e medium the universit?sinon it is useless... Rachid Benzine knew to join the act?a word. Nawal el-Moutawakil, Minister for Youth and the sports, is the woman d’.une race. This famous 400 m hedges of the Olympic Games of Los Angeles, in 1984, qu’.elle A remport? the surprise g?rale. Right before the d?rt, indeed, the Morrocan woman, 22 years?e?it class?20e world. She has? the premi? Arab, African and Moslem woman??ocher of l’.or to the Olympiads. Since the Olympic champion s’.est lanc??orps lost in the public relations. During long ann?, it?it unthinkable qu’.une conf?nce international on..la woman and the sport. can be held without qu’.elle is invit there? Does Kin?th?peute of formation, Nawal el-Moutawakil have? ?e, in 1995, member of comit?x?tif of F?ration international d’.athl?sme amateur. Since, Nawal has cumul?es functions honorary d’.ambassadrice, furrowing the world with the service of several causes. In does January 2007, it have? nomm?vice-pr?dente of F?ration royal Morrocan woman of athl?sme (FRMA). And in October of the m? ann? has? nomm?ministre of Youth and the sports by King Mohammed VI. Qu’.est this which has chang?e Hassan II?ohammed VI. Hassan II?it a tr?.distant king and redout?Les Marocains knew it tr?intelligent, but also cruel. Mohammed VI, is reassuring to him more. Does D?le d?t of sound r?e, it have bouscul?e syst? police officer who r?ntait the country while returning Basri. He has as affich?ne volont?e transparency all?ait new by recognizing as the r?me had?ou?n mati? of fight against the pauvret?A the limit, with the d?t of sound r?e, the Morrocans were more afraid for the king than fear of him. With time, these?lutions saw their limits: the nature of the capacity makes that l’.arbitraire persists, that the corruption remains important. And then there were the attacks of May 16, 2003, which have? follow-ups of great raids polici?s?̱.ancian. Lastly, there is tendency?ublier which the li.b?lisation of the r?me had commenc?vant l’.arriv?de Mohammed VI, in 1999. Did Hassan II have donn?e blow d’.envoi l’.ouverture in the field of the m?as and the political life d?le medium of the ann? 90, in particular for pr?rer succession. It is less authoritative and less directly impliqu?ue its p?. M? s’.il often speaks about transparency and made of sound?use a public character, Mohammed VI is badly known. It d?gue much with the technocrats and the ing?eurs of which it s’.entoure. It proc? permanently?es nominations, which donne place?n play complexes musical chairs. It s’.est also montr?ensible?a d?ess caus?par l’.extr? pauvret?l??on p? seemed insensitive. At the point qu’.on l’.a surnomm?u d?t le king of the poor. This n’.est more the case, but the t?e is titanic and the means miss. I do not think that these proclamations are purely d?gogic. Only there is, around the king, many people who fear the d?cratisation. The Moroccan?tes are often tr?conservatrices, by fear of l’.inconnu. Besides some advisers of Hassan II like Andr?zoulay and g?raux, there was a Net renewal. Embl?tique d’.entre them is Fouad Ali Al-Himma (to read below). One finds also technocrats, like the minister of ḻ.Int?or, Chakib Benmoussa. Add?ela some politicians and the h?tiers of the great families, which form the fish pond of monarchy since si?es. What has chang?c’.est that the crit? of comp?nce is more important. One cannot any more d?urner l’.argent public openly, as by the pass?En mati? of are corruption, certain abuses sanctionn? The probl?, c’.est what the syst? rest on the virtue, because justice does not constitute a parapet. Mohammed VI and her?se Lalla Salma Bennani. Are the red lines of the r?me rest? m?s.: the caract? sacr?e the person of the king, the religion and the Sahara. What has chang?c’.est the margin of manœ.uvre. In the ann? 80 and 90, one could not thus speak about the Face Polisario, it did not n’.existait. Aujourd’.hui, it arrives that its leaders are interview?dans the Moroccan press. But the marocanit?du the Sahara remains untouchable. There is little chance that l’.on?lue towards a parliamentary monarchy. No r?rme of the Constitution n’.est in sight since 1976, but l’.article 19 stipulates that the king is above all the capacities. The king seems pr?rer the cr?ion d’.autorit?ind?ndantes, but these authorities are nomm?, not?es. As long as the probl? from the Sahara remains in suspends and qu’.il has an islamist risk of d?abilisation there, the things will not move. On the contrary, the attacks kamikazes of 2003 and 2007 convinced a number of Morrocans qu’.il is necessary a strong monarchy to drive out the spectrum d’.une civil war?’.alg?enne. Jacques Pr?rt, Po? immense, magician of the words liked the Parisian walks. He made lumi city? the d?r of some of the films to which it has particip?omme..Les children of the paradise. or..Quai of the fogs. Jacques Pr?rt?it a key?out, Po?, dialogist for the cin?, or, lyric writer for Juliette gr.? or the fr?s Jacques. He has v a long time? in the XVIII? district of Paris pr?de the hillock Montmartre o?l had as a neighbor and friend, l’.?ivain c?bre Boris Vian. This Po? worship forms part d’.un collection which at the time of its publication goes d?a?r l’.enthousiasme and to project its author in the forefront of the?ivains fran?s. At its exit, two d’.exemplaires million will be vendus.Il is necessary also?e tr?poli with the ground, Il is necessary to thank them the morning in r?illant.Pour all that is good?anger.Pour all that is beautiful?egarder.Il is not necessary the emb?r.Ils know what they have?aire.Alors, it should be left well faire.Ou, they are capable of f?er. Does Jacques Pr?rt have? a ḏ.inspiration source for many young people authors and nowadays still, young rappeurs s’.inspirent of his prose. The stars of the song fran?se of l’.?que are numerous to?voir begun again its texts for?ffer them r?rtoire. D’.Yves Montand?erge Reggiani, of Barbara?uliette gr.?, on musics of Kosma, they have immortalis?es texts for l’.?rnit?Jacques Pr?rt will pass the end of its life in the south of France?t Paul de Vence o?l c?ie Picasso and Miro with which it weaves friendly bonds. Heavy smoker in front of l’.?rnel, Jacques Pr?rt always had a m?t?a stops and its passion for nicotine will co?ra the life to him. It dies in April 1977 d’.un lung cancer in its Breton house o?l s’.?it retir?La coexistence is l’.une forms of the coop?tion which must be based on the mutual principles of confidence and the respect. L’.int?t of this coexistence is to r?sir?tteindre the objectives common to the d?reuses parts to coexist. How to make for the concr?ser.. Far from rev?r its direction pelin, the concept of tol?nce would be, in the case of concessions, synonymous with perfidy and perverting. On the other hand, the tol?nce should not relate to the other shutters which will not be d’.aucun profit for l’.homme. Do three principles have thus? avanc?par l’.Imam, to illustrate the values of the coexistence and the dialogue:. 2 S’.accorder on the fact qu’.Allah?t its proph?s among the common men for their honn?t?t their wisdom. 3 To solve the litigious questions on the basis of common principle of judgement and to adopt these principles like clean platform?outes religions(42). Such a d?rche, which d?rt of religious l’.influence, is tr?avantageuse for world peace and the fraternit?umaine, noble id?x of any religion. They are l?es r?s berc?par the pens?philosophique one since l’.aube of the intellectual life. This kind of qu? ?rgit l’.horizon of believing, the incentive?’.attacher?a value more relev?de the religion. It is, moreover, one of the t?es which the sp?alists must fill of l’.histoire and of the?des compar? of religions(43). To take part?ette scientific work is d’.un int?t certain for l’.ensemble Believing. This action will concert?sera advantageous for the communaut?es men. They are l?es common d?minateurs?outes the religions. The movement juda?e and Zionist exert?dentes influences on some cat?ries of chr?ens. Thus have?rg?es positions which tighten?lt?r some v?t?de l’.histoire. Do the followers of this movement have the conviction that the Jews are the people? and that those have the right of poss?r the Palestinian territories. This movement is thus the base of the Zionism chr?en(44). Its influence serves the intentions d’.expansion in various forms. In the immediate future, this need will be done more pressing, the reason?nt the multiple harbingers of twenty the and plain one? si?e. Deep crises political and?nomic, but such civilisationnelles and cultural, will?ateront certainly known as: t?ignez that we are those which soumettent.(46). This Koranic verse puts?otre provision a r?e g?rale d?nissant the position of l’.islam?’.?rd of the coexistence between religions. 3 not?ver of the human?es to the row d’.Allah. This verse gives the r?e d’.or coexistence between the religions because it calls?a recognition d’.Allah?a faith monoth?te and with the rejection of the forms d’.oppression. In this spirit, Believing them are held not to fear qu’.Allah and to refuse to subject?a tyranny of despots. These excessive practices are p?lleuses because they can carry pr?dice?’.ordre of the world. It is, therefore, n?ssaire to dedicate the religious coexistence?llah ḻ.Unic, with the service of the worthy human life, the whole while s’.inspirant values of the faith, good and pi?. Active member several national, local troops and ind?ndantes, it is?lement member founder of several humane organizations and human right. It has remport?lusieurs price and distinctions in several national, Arab and international festivals. D?r?par Fire SM Hassan II of Wissam of the national m?te, it is?lement Chevalier of the Order of Arts and Lettres of r?blic the fran?se. Mrs. Touriya Jabrane, that SM the King mohamed VI A nomm?inistre of the Culture, is n?le October 16, 1952?asablanca. Vian, Boris (1920-1959)?ivain and musician of jazz fran?s, author of the?ume of the days, become a mythical figure of the litt?ture fran?se. This passionn?e jazz became naturally apr?la war one of the most known figures of the nights of Saint-Germain-of-Pr? It composed?lement of the songs for artists like Serge Reggiani or Juliette gr.?. Its?rits on the jazz, publi?en 1981 and 1982, gathers the whole of the texts?rs which it devoted?a favorite music. It is under the pseudonym am?cain of Vernon Sullivan that Boris Vian entered in litt?ture. The h?s of this r?t is a young Black which wants to avenge lynching for its Fr? junior, assassin?ar White. The work, which treats racism, violence and sexualit?provoqua a?rme scandal in France, since the press d?a? and that the..affaire.. was port?devant the courts. This book has for h?s Colin, amateur of jazz, and his/her friend friendly Chlo?Leur Chick, reader of Jean-Ground Partre, is?eurs c?s. It does book begin F? idyllic, since the world, anim?u inanim?forme a harmonious cradle for the two lovers: happiness is everywhere. But bient?Chlo?ombe sick and puts?ousser.: the disease is transpos?sous the form of a n?phar which pushes in its chest. This tragic history, hant?par anguish of the disease which d?uit youth, became c?bre gr.? with the plays of language which caract?sent it. Let us quote?lement Go?r of g?raux (1951). For Darius Milhaud, Boris Vian composed in 1958 a booklet of C$op?, who has as a Fiesta title. Was patient since his childhood, Boris Vian terrass?ar a heart attack on June 23, 1959?'? thirty-nine years. Is Martin Luther King N? Atlanta, in G?gie, January 15, 1929. Its p?, Martin Luther King Senior?it?lement Pasteur, and it succ? moreover d?1931?injury Williams in the responsabilit?e the parish. The medium o?e young Martin Luther King (Martin Luther King Junior) was going to thus grow?it that of a good middle class. All in?nt tr?bagarror and tr??tif, it knew indeed a peaceful childhood impr??de moral?ng?que. Martin Luther Jr knew that one awaited from him a similar r?site. In fact, the young man made brilliant?des. In 1944, it entered in Morehouse CoUege of Atlanta, thinking of becoming m?cin or lawyer. It was ordonn?ans the temple of its p? ?tlanta in 1947, and nomm?ssistant of this parish. Always?diant?orehouse, Martin Luther King had a activit?r?dense within the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (N It left Morehouse in 1948, with a licence of letters, for Crozer Theological Seminary de Chester, in Pennsylvania, o?l?it one of the six Blacks in a group of one hundred?diants. In 1951, it obtained a licence of th?ogy and d?da to carry out research?' Universit?e Boston, while it continued?uivre courses of philosophy?' Universit?e Harvard. From 1953, it devoted?a r?ction of a HT?.: "Comparison of the design of God at Paul Tillich and Henry Nelson Wieman". It obtained the doctorate of troisi? cycle syst?tic th?ogy in June 1955. King poss?it a solid?dition. The "social" th?ogien Walter Rauschenbusch had marqu?a pens? just like Henri-David Thoreau, Hegel, Tillich, and. He d?nissait himself like "personalist", and he was not a doubt for him that the Church was to play a R? credit in?blissement of social justice. It had?lement read Marx, which, in the United States of?que, did not go from oneself. King glorifia with them the capacity cr?or of the Black, making print on thousands of posters "Black is beautiful". and in the world, and that especially, it?it a criminal act. During? 1967, Martin Luther King still went?leveland to give his support?arl Stokes, a Black candidate?a town hall. But this one, fearing to lose some white?cteurs. The?utes, during this time, continued. Pasteur proposed non-violent means of protest: "To block the operation of a cit?ans destruction is more effective than a?ute. That will oblige the administration and the Parliament?hercher rem?s more radical than of measurements of police force ". Sign its toughening, it made a?ew-York speech?a m?anger of W Of Wood, Noir am?cain?nent, become communist, and died, exil?olontaire, in Ghana. March 31, 1968?a cath?ale?scopalienne of Washington, it showed: "There is lib? Blacks, but there is not donn?e to them what to treat to the bus until?a house ". At this point in time, while pr?rant the "Walk of the Poor", Martin Luther King went to take part in the manifestations of the?ueurs gr?stes of Memphis (Tennessee). For eight weeks, those, including one majorit?e Black, have?ient in gr.?, and there had been violences: died of a young man tu?ar the police force, arrests in great number. The leaders wondered whether all were needed arr?r or to continue. King thus came, to go with the workers of which dignit?tait it in question. The evening of April 3, it spoke with the temple ma?nic about the city: "Like everyone, I would like to live a long life. The long?t?c' is appr?able. But it is not?ela which I think now. I want only to make the volont?e God. My eyes saw the glory of the arrival of the Lord ". The following day at the end of the apr?midi, Martin Luther King was on the balcony of his room of h?l. He called a friend who passed on the pavement: "Of course, you cheeks" Lord, take my hand "this evening?a r?ion. It died one hour later. How to judge today the action of Martin Luther King.. It is to really only?artir of 1967, with the war of Vietnam, that it r?isa that "its R?" did not harmonize itself with the soci? of a John Kennedy or Lyndon Johnson. The texts which it has publi?dans O?llons us and the only r?lution t?ignent of its?lution. In addition, which, since, could do better than him. Does King have? the lever which has soulev?a communaut?oire and put it in the street for the right combat. It has montr?ue active non-violence could gain. Do the majority of the researchers and the critics agree?anger that the v?table history of the cin? Morrocan has d?t?vec the production of the Wechma film of Hamid Bennani in 1970. Are the films produced before this date only copies marocanis? of m?drames?ptiens. Wechma is?' origin of a new current cin?tographic. This current appel?.modernit?in?tographique.. bases itself on the following principles:. the cin? is a means of changing the r?it?t not only to explain it. the cin? is an art, a pens?et a culture and not a simple means of entertainment. the cin? is a language and a new?iture bas?sur the signs and using of space and the places according to a esth?que news. it privil?e the individual within the soci? and tries of the lib?r of its superstitions, its taboos and the autorit??essive.. the cin?te is an artist, an intellectual, t?in of the political and historical p?ode in which it lives. Do these r?isateurs have? their own producer, investing their personal money and thus taking risks so that their film is born. The philosophy of the cin? of did author allow?ertains Moroccan r?isateurs not to fall into pi? cin? populist. N?ans a ruin family? Amedeo Modigliani conna?une childhood mis?ble and marqu?par the disease (typho?, tuberculosis). It follows tr?t?des course of drawing in its birthplace of Leghorn, to Tuscany. It leaves then?dier?lorence, Rome and Venice, and arrives?aris in 1906?’.? from twenty-two years. It s’.installe d’.abord with the Boat wash-house?ontmartre, then?ontparnasse, o?l fr?graft the mediums of international artistic l’.avant-guard. Modigliani meets its first purchaser, Paul Alexandre, in 1907, and exposes to?artir l’.ann?suivante with the Living room of Ind?ndants. In contact with the œ.uvres of C?nne, Picasso and Toulouse-Lautrec, but also with l’.art African, its compositions are reinforced and its line s’.accentue. In 1909 it meets Constantin Brancusi, who l’.encourage?e to put?a sculpture. Its T?s sculpt? are to inspir? m? id? of puret?t of primitivism that its fabrics. But does Modigliani have to cease the qu’.elle sculpture because of l’.effort physical n?ssite and the poussi? g?r?qui pollutes its fragile lungs. In 1917 however, its naked expos??a gallery Berthe Weill makes scandal. Do Amedeo Modigliani, victim d’.une sant?ragile and d’.exc?en all kinds, die in 1920?’.? thirty-five years. This is the mark of solar midday if it chooses to take for name a pr?m which?que Apollon, ma?e of the quadrant and Sun. Before choosing Apollinaire, it has sign?es first po?s, in 1897, of the pseudonym Guillaume Macabre.. It has trouv?a vocation: judging superfluous to continue its?des, this collector of price of excellence leaves the lyc?sans to pass the baccalaur?. this?que, he wants to be anarchistic and supporter of Dreyfus. From the Seine with the Rhine Apollinaire, D? come?aris for the International exhibition from 1889, settles there d?nitivement ten years later. The m? of Guillaume?aris with Jules Weil lives, that it makes pass for a relative. The oncle. settles a few months?tavelot later, in the Belgian Ardennes, o?es pr?ndus nephews come to pass from agr?les holidays. But, their m? having inconsid?ment dilapid? their expenses of s?ur, they owe d?nager?a bell of wood. Of return?aris, Olga de Kostrowitzky, for?apper in the searches of her cr?ciers, is ing?ment made call Olga Karpov. Bient?d?squ? it must conclude a friendly arrangement?' with the furious h?lier. Arriv? Paris in 1899, Guillaume is made count?a town hall like?anger. To earn its living, it occupies various employment livelihood, fact of m?ocres work of secr?riat and?it of the pornographic and food novels. It meets Linda Molina da Silva and in tomb in love, without succ? what will be one of the constants of its life: permanently?is, it is often?nduit. By chance, in 1901, it is engag?omme pr?ptor to teach the fran?s?ne young aristocrat, Gabrielle de Milhau. Madam the viscountess, of German origin, leaves for Rh?nie, taking along with her maisonn?une young person controlling English, Annie Playden, of which the young pr?ptor?end. Doesn't H?s, puritan girl see the in love id? in this Italian too empress? to start from f?ier 1902, Guillaume traverses Germany and Austria, then returns?aris. In does April 1905, in the Review immoralist, Apollinaire announce?es readers r?mment the talent of a young Spanish artist d?rqu? Montmartre, Pablo Picasso. It is the first??brer art na?du Douanier Rousseau, speaks with admiration about Matisse, pr?ce the premi? exposure of George Directs, voyage in England with Picabia. It r?it with his friends po?s with the Boat wash-house and assists?a gestation of the cubism of which it will be one of the organizers and th?icians (the Painters cubists, 1913). Derain will illustrate the pourrissant Enchanter, Dufy the Bestiary. Metzinger and Chirico make its portrait. While waiting, it always works?a banks, and continues its?tic publications sold under the coat. These activit?lui allows finally, the ann?suivante, to leave the maternal residence and to only settle. Carrying out a critical double activit?e art and of Po?, Guillaume Apollinaire saw his feather and affirms like a?ivain avant-garde. In 1908, it makes the meeting of the painter painter in watercolours Marie Laurencin and fall in love with its œ.uvres –. and the person, with whom, it will live until 1912. In 1908, Douanier Rousseau will make a portrait na?du couple, the MUSE inspiring Po?. It introduces it into the Parisian artistic mediums of avant-garde. The ann?suivante, the Enchanter pourrissant (1909) para?en volume, illustr?ar Derain of engravings on wood. But the smart newspaper of?que, the Mercury of France, the?inte. By doing this, it is located, once and for all?' avant-garde. In 1914 Po? d?de to engage, although it is not nationalit?ran?se. But one has only to make?angers in a conflict which one thinks in short. Nice, it meets an aristocrat, Louise de Coligny-Ch?llon, and makes him the court, in vain. Does new Apr?une require engagement, it is vers?u 38e r?ment of artillery of N?s. Louise, which has r?st? the eagerness of Po?, C? with the charm of the artillerist. Envoy?ur the face, it shares the life and the sufferings of all those which fight in the tranch?. During a permission, in a train which it RAM? towards Lou., it meets a girl, Madeleine. Stormy loves with one, tender correspondence with the other, its marraine of war, which it will think m? ?user, with the large injury of its family. It is then affect?ans the 96e r?ment of infantry with the rank of second lieutenant. But, bless? the temple by a?at of shell, it must undergo a tr?nation (1916). During its convalescence para?le Po? assassin?1916), collection of news and tales?a mythical and autobiographical times. Given on foot, Apollinaire wants to go up with the face, but ceaseless evils of T? make r?rmer, and the life nonchalante begins again. Apollinaire recovers?'?iture. The young people po?s f?nt Apollinaire, publish his texts in their reviews more the avant-gardists. Around his/her friends effondr? crowd in jubilation sings. low Guillaume. –. not Po?, but the Emperor of Germany overcome. It is?'? from 7 years that Jorge Shine Borges becomes?ivain. At does 9 years, it translate D? ' the Prince heureux' of Wilde Oscar for an Argentinian daily newspaper. Does Baign?ans a multicultural universe, it usually speak English, and still grows rich gr.? with the voyages. It grows?alermo, high place of the tango, s?urne?en? o?l d?uvre the litt?ture fran?se, and?die in Spain. From 1918, it?it of the po?s, of which the first, ' Anthem?a mer', will be publi?ans the Grecia magazine. Jorge Shine Borges int?sse?ietzsche, Schopenhauer?' German expressionnism, and impassions itself for the work of Walt Whitman. It becomes gradually a major figure of the avant-garde litt?anger. On its return?uenos Surfaces in 1921, it builds a solid r?tation of Po?, translator and essay writer. It is in the ann? 60 what its carri? takes an international turning r?lement. The width, the diversit?t the qualit?e its work to him are worth many distinctions?>>>

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