05 March 2008

Cavalier phone and internet

A forum Usenet has a name that is composed at least from three parts, as an example, means that the language is the Italian (. is, says, it trains to you from the GCN), and that the argument is the Jewish culture, where also it can capitare to find something on the ebraismo. Difficultly, perlomeno online of principle, it would have to be found ebraici arguments in - if it is spoken about Israel, (the argument it is, or it would have to be - the group is not moderate, international politics). Plays on words are possible also:., it is not fan the club of Jennifer Lopez, but a group in which it is sent to make in culo who you is unpleasant (oh, is also. If the founder had not been a member of the Group Coordination Newsgroup, very difficultly, creed, the group would have been approved of. They are formed therefore (and I know it that the term will not be a lot originates them), in which more for pseudonym has been known that for name, in which tightens ties through some messanger. p. it went fashionable to sign itself with just the code of ICQ. A lot important: periodically, someone organizes of i (cioé of the suppers) in which who it has wants is made to see and to exit from the anonymity it is made, exactly, to find here and here. Usenet moreover has just a jargon, of which formirò some esempio.culo it came received from one series of virtual applauses, of the sort: "welcome in these chain plates, trita-beguines official of Usenet" because in it. (litigated in ignited way) with a catholic clergyman in vein of apologetic evangelizzazione and/or. The forum of Jewish culture of which we are speaking is a mailing-list, in the sense that the message, in order to appear and to be unloaded from all the other customers, must be read and be aprovato from a such one, than is defined. The moderation serves to avoid the Spam (cioé the troublesome publicity) that it slows down the times and in that age lightened the pockets. But the moderation has also other comprehensible functions, in mailing-lists that are object, says, of attentions and provocazioni - and the ebraici mailing-lists in Italian are one of these. The usual moderator is the person who has proposed the group. Yes, you imagine a Fascist, one of those true ones, at all a liberal-conservative like the cavalier German, a getlteman whom it read." (we ' I am par of balls, knight, thought, the price I am equal for all and democracy is called and equality, has present there. The cavalier German he was not fascist, and however it is not the type of Fascist that I ask you to imagine. The Fascist of which we are speaking has also in house various books written from that people, in order to say this kind of porcate. Here, I ask to imagine you it: with a lot of short hat and it glances at them Ray Ban. alone Second you is a person adapted to moderate. Only that the imbecilli they exist, and exists also that type of imbecilli (those that allow that type of Fascist etc. In the next few days you story in that sense exists this kind of imbecilli. Begun E' the electoral campaign and the Italian politicians make the usual contest who shoot it more large, that it is like saying who more far away piscia. Siccome between the politicians not is no new face regarding ten years ago, is easy to make battered on the prostate. In fact this electoral campaign has already one detached phallic character. Fine it says: You vote to me that I will castrate the pedofili. Of Peter it says: You vote to me that I will cut to the nets (the balls) to Berlusconi. All that they want to reduce the measures of someone, of the bad one and the enemy. This means that from Italy, any will be the government, will leave aerial in order to talk nonsense. But what succeeds if a rabbi makes one cane before celebrating the wedding. If you have never felt the history of the tizio that it calls a blast then and discover that they were similar of school (. If you have a relative (knowing friend or) that it has been, we say, unwrapped and now ago the santarellina and has come to you at least once it wants to destroy them the collection of santini. This is the film that ago for you. One finds also with the subtitles them in English. We were of agreement that I would have made publicity you when you had found something that it was worth the pain of being pubblicizzato. Hour I imagine that we would have to be greeted saying. And the shochet came that killed the bove. The things are not never therefore simple, when it is had to that to make with the art of the butcher shop. In the 1800's the rabbi head of this city was the sefardita rabbi, called and to which a series of tasks was up - we say that, according to the Ottoman custom, it on behalf governed the Hebrew of the authorities of Istambul and riscuoteva the taxes. But in the ashkenaziti 1800's it begins also an immigration of - a first group of, lituani, it arrived in 1812, it was moved here from the Galilea, to the age which had from the plague. An other earthquake, in 1837, carried in city ashkenazite families that lived to Tiberiade and Safed, city to Jewish majority. Railroads and ships to vapor rendered then possible for many Russian Hebrew to move itself to Gerusalemme. That towards 1870 it was by now to ashkenazita majority, while the title it of. C$r-at the head of every ashkenazita charitable institution (than they are still called and they existed) were obviously the rabbis of the respective communities. - in pragmatic way it left that the rabbis ashkenaziti exercised their jurisdiction and riscuotessero the taxes with the system of i, in order then to pour them in the common case. The deep ones came from the taxes paid from the single heaies of the family and one of the taxes more important was, fortune teller a po', that one on the meat. For every slaughtered head it had to be poured an appropriate tax to the Ottoman authorities and one to, that it cured also the preparation of the Hebrew butchers - than without its authorization they could not work. This means that the meat that that one sold from the butchers was consumed to Gerusalemme (perlomeno) was slaughtered according to the sefardita system. Insomma, the ashkenaziti ones had a lot to schifo the sefarditi butchers and preferred to alone slaughter the meat in house. That then but it did not go nearly never well. You imagine the joy of the muslim butchers. The matter could not more go ahead in order a lot, therefore in the 1866 rabbis of asked the Ottoman authorities the permission to prepare of their butchers to lose at all little, in terms of taxes and entrances of the age, Haim David Hazan. To this point are not more an interference of the Turks, and one is outlined to the horizon crash between Prussia and Stati sabaudi. To first of March, in the consulate of Prussia to Gerusalemme they are met, in order to decide of the issue, Haim David Hazzan, the five rabbi-heads. They fly urla, insults, benches and chairs are cracked. Creed has not used meat, to the drunk limit avran a té. Because he is not that you been already selling of that meat, eh. Hour tried to imagine the three European consuls to you, ended for some strange reason in this hole of place c., where the telegraph is but it does not work, than do not see the hour to be transferred where there is a po' more than life and the mogli not sbuffano that is solo to pray here. And it touches they to give Jewish history lessons to the pashà. And in a hurry, because also it, with sum satisfaction of the moglie, is in order to move itself elsewhere. Rosen was a strange species of erudite, seems cultivated the idea to convert the Hebrew to the Christianity, insomma he something knew. That Austrian made to answer to all that in he was attended of instructions from Vienna. And when the new pashà arrived from Istambul, he had with himself a beautiful letter signed from the sultano, that he assured to the every authority in cult matter, comprised meat. And if it does not go to you, you address to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Turkish Empire. You are not my sudditi and you go to sapé if you are Hebrew. Only five ashkenaziti years after otterrano the permission to slaughter the meat second their customs. It seems has moved also the diplomacy of German language that was to Beirut. of the age, than for irony called Abraham Eshkenasi, could make us null. These and other history in Arnold Blumberg. This evening, like many, I would want to be sure that these images are above all roba of the past. - You know what says Vonnegut on fondamentalisti. That it would be a good idea to close them in a recintato space and to make so that they commit suicide between of they. - Good idea, but the problem is that that place exists already, Planet is called Earth. - Perhaps we would have to go of, those of the religion liberal. According to me fondamentalisti not even if they notice some and they continue to commit suicide. And we would make also a great mobilitation, if we were forced to transfer to us on the Moon. They will remain to me carved in the memory of the phrases. Of some I would want to have the copyright, like this:. The am just not an equal opportunity lover. I would make Tshirt, adhesive, spillette and would make - also a bag of moneies. Or that one, than obviously is antisionista and raises the hand and asks: Excused, I I have not understood, but because the Hebrew from Morocco are emigrated in Israel (child, someone has explained to you that they exist Hebrew also outside from Manhattan. Never the suspicion has come you far away that can it well. In Israel not class is one Hebrew laborer. There is a conspiracy in order to hide the porcherie of the sionisti. Me I would dive to us in these controversies, I want to say, because I know mine polli and to make to infuriate them and to throw the mask is put to us indeed little. Something, insomma, of not defensive Hebrew and of which in Italy the memory has gotten lost according to the ashkenazita ritual the woman can guide the Kol Nidré. For the lovers of the sort. They have been to Hebron a lot, much time makes. Those that tells to me is more or less those that filler the press. the serious one is that to they this role appeals to a bag. To Hebron piombano regularly groups of "pacifists" in try of scazzottature and notoriety. Therefore, a little time it makes, a sheik has forbidden to a group of "pacifists" to destroy one sinagoga built up on its lands. Perhaps it wanted to make dispetto an other clan. Perhaps he feared that he would have primed a series of availed again from part of the coloni, once that the "pacifists" were returns to you in city. Now the sheik, with a pair of other sheiks (represented to you more or less of the main clans) is itself meets to you with the local leaders of the coloni. It seems that the atmosphere has been cordial and that they have tried to imagine one truce, or perhaps one cohabitation. Onlooker who in order to put itself of agreement has not had need of a mediator. I have one my explanation: draft of intelligent persons much, to Hebron the stupiden do not survive. Sin that also has succeeded, to testimony that the violences do not come from a single part. The source is Yediot Aharonot, than it is not a daily paper many tender with the fanatics us that they are to Hebron - less than two years ago put in fact a video in which the impositions of a woman "colona" against an Arabic family were looked at clearly, burst casino and also a judicial case. In this city we are convinced that the prayers arrive directly to the sky if, we say, pass this way. Perhaps that one today was a prayer that has been listened and not only one argument. But, after all, than difference there is between praying and discussing. "one says that in our life we river-meet all the persons who we have met in our screw previous. When way for the roads, I see therefore many persons that I must still meet please, I give not let them pass by. this blog supports the Jewish conspiracy. "You know that six unpleasant one indeed.

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