06 March 2008
What Do You Need to Become a X-ray Tech
. BENVENUE SUR a SITUATED AVEC RESIDENCE EN LIGNE DANS ITALIE.CE EAST N' PAS a ESPACE VIRTUEL MAIZE REEL QUE JE VEUX DEVIENT a VERITABLE"videocitophone"d' OU' INTERAGISSENT AVEC MOI(COMMENCE EN"petit GUIDE) ANTONIO CIANCIMINO TORTORICI(1926-2005):"co-auteur"ad ONOREM" Reste avec nous car the east devenu après-midi, ET the journée to déjà diminué ". Aujourd' hui, dans deux ans de the mort. "PERCHE E' MADE IN DELAY REMAINS WITH WE AND The DECLINED DAY HAS GIA". UNIQUEMENT SUR BRITANIQUE 2//SOLO In the BRITTANICO 2 UNIQUEMENT SUR the BRITANIQUE//SOLO In the BRITTANICO Kilomètre"0"de "ère nouvelle"/IL KILOMETER "0" Of the NEW WAS PETIT GUIDES To NAVIGATION SUR BLOG ICI VOUS POUVEZ VOIR TOUS MES?UVRES DIRECTEMENT SUR the BLOG PAGES ORIGINAL:"espace-canoe"(canada-francaise)(x) AUSSI SUR "SCOOPEANDO To ZAP ZONES NETWORK(X). suffit de jeter a coup of oeil à the impact public of the work put à jour ET les miscelaneous DES nouveaux personnels cliquant dessus. 1)FRANCE sur blog ET posts original, not importés. 2)Temps en ligne:CANADA ANGLAIS(domaine de Mon EXPLORER) 3)TEMPREEL (ESPACE PHYSIQUE): MONTEVIDEO-URUGUAY-SUDAMERICA 1)FRANCIA FOR BLOG And POST AUTOTTONI. 2)ORARIO ONLINE:CANADA INGLESE(DOMINIO ON MY EXPLORER) 3)ORARIO REALE(POSTO FISICO):MONTEVIDEO-URUGUAY-SUDAMERICA 1)FRANCE ON THE BLOG AND POSTORIGINAL NOT IMPORTED. 2)TIME ONLINE: CANADA ENGLISH (DOMAIN OF MY EXPLORER) 3)REAL TIME (POST PHYSICAL): MONTEVIDEO-URUGUAY-SUDAMERICA 1-OPERA:Mise?our//OPERA:Ultimi modernizations (*) 2-Moi ET Mon op?:L'.actualit?IO and MY OPERA:L'.ultima novita(*) 2c-PLUS ANCIENT ENCORE//PIU ANTICHI ANCORA(*) BAN 6//TERZA PARTE:"io and MY OPERA:IL MINE. BAN 6/PRIMA PARTE:"io And MY OPERA:IL MINE. BAN 6/SECONDA PARTE:"io And MY OPERA:IL MINE. BAN 6//CUARTA PARTE:"io And MY OPERA:IL MINE. BANDO5/PRIMA PARTE:RIPERCUSSIONI IN REAL TIME ATTENTION PUBLICATION LIBRE ET SANS TRADUCTION 1-TOUS LES SERVICES DE TRADUCTION EN LIGNE(OFFRES POUR LES MOTEURS DE RECHERCHE PRINCIPAUX ENTRE Of AUTRES)NE SONT PAS DE CONFIANCE ET CHANGENT SENS DE MES OPINIONS.TOUTES MES PUBLICATIONS SONT DANS LANGUE ITALIEN, ET ABSOLUMENT PERSONNE N' To AUTORIZE POUR TRADUIRE À MOI.///2-Tous les services de blog, les publications ET en natures du "Mon monde en ligne", compris pressed sont absolument libres ET sans coût PETIT BLOG COTE':"video-inerphone DU NORD"(francais, ENGLISH, the KILOMETRE "0" DE ERE' NOUVELLE///IL KILOMETER "0" Of the "NEW WAS" 1-Sur "ZAP NETWORK"(Ou ZONES voir the photo ci-dessus)/Apr?cliquez. 2-Sur "ZAP NETWORK"(Ou ZONES voir the photo ci-dessus)/Apr?cliquez. 4-KILOMETRE "0" DE L'.ERE NOUVELLE ET SON NOOSPHERE//IL KILOMETER. CLIQUEZ ICI:LIRE ET IMPRIMER TOUS SITUATED MON LIVRES ADVISED FOR LEGERE And TO PRINT MY WRITTEN WORKS COMPLETE. 2-CLIQUEZ ET IMPRIMER(BLOGS COMPLETE USA-Anglais)//STAMPA ALSO CUA "VIOLATION:CONCEPT PSYQUIQUE"-langue FRANCAIS/ANGLAIS TRANSCRIPT OF THE WORK WRITTEN IN THE CONTEXT OF ITS REPERCUSSIONS PUBLIC ON THE NEWSPAPER "AGORAVOX" Transcription complète de the?uvre écrite dans contexte de ses répercussions public sur journal "the AGORAVOX". Complete transcription of the work written in the context of its public repercussions on the newspaper online "AGORAVOX". Voir mes commentaires dans différents journaux du monde entier sur les effet publics du the opéra. Liras de mode décroissant sans tenir compte de the numérotation YOU SEE MY COMMENTS IN VARIOUS NEWSPAPERS Of the WORLD On the PUBLIC REPERCUSSIONS Of the OPERA.Leggere in decreasing way without to hold account of the numeration. 1-"violation:concept PSYQUIQUE", "Livre blanc" and. 1a-"VIOLATION:CONCEPT PSYQUIQUE", "Livre blanc" and PACS. 1b-"VIOLATION:CONCEPT PSYQUIQUE", "Livre blanc" and. 1c-TOUS SUR"violation:concept PSYQUIQUE"///tutto ON. 1D-"THE GHOST OF GHOST OSCAR WILDE"//"IL DI OSCAR WILDE" 1E-"LE VIAGRA: AN INVITED INVIT?DE PIERRE"//VIAGRA:UN OF STONE". 2B-"NESSUN IT SLEEPS" II: WI-FI, THE CHINE, THE SANT? OBSCURANTISTES ET. 2c-"NESSUN east DORMA":entre SUPERMAN ET KRYPTONITA chasse aux. 4-BILL GATES ET spectacle int??BILL the GATES and the SHOW. 5-"le DOIGHT DANS the POMME"//il FINGER In the APPLE 6-Le t?graphe de les peau rouge, chevaux the DES Troie ET les. 7b)-KATAWEB ET les acrostic Am?ndiennes//KATAWEB and the ACROSTICI. 7C)KATAWEB 2:NEOCOLONEALISME "CULTUREL" ET LES EPAULS DES. 7D-KATAWEB 2:AUSSI SUR THE JOURNAIL "THE REPUBLIC". 8a-L'.imposition d?nitive de nouvelle DEFINITIVE?//IMPOSIZZIONE. 9-Apple d?ile l',"iPhone", to inspire de l'.iPod 9a)Apple d?ile l',"iPhone", to inspire de l'.iPod 9c)M?ECINE CONSENSUEL:la naissance de the m?cine bas?sur 9d)AUSSI EN FRANCAIS/M?ECINE CONSENSUEL(la naissance de 9e)M?ECINE the CONSENSUEL 2:la naissance de the m?cine bas?sur 9f)AUSSI EN FRANCAIS 2/M?ECINE CONSENSUEL:la naissance de 9h-VOIR LES FILS CONDUCTEURS DU DEBAT//VEDI the THREADS CONDUCTORS DIL. 9i)WIMAX:une "CORMOLANO" sur the Lune ou the fuite ones de. SCIENCE, FREUD ET MARX//SCIENZA, FREUD and MARX Méthode scientifique ET sources de leurs pensée the SCIENTIFIC METHOD and the SOURCES Of THEIR THOUGHT ICI CLIQUEZ TOUTS MON BLOGS 1-MON BLOG SUR "ZAP ZONES NETWORK-GAZZETTA Of SOUTH" 2)-MON BLOG "COURRIER DE the FRANCE"// MY BLOG On the "COURIER. 3)PAGE KATAWEB:"LA REPUBLIC" ET "L'.ESPRESSO" ENSEMBLE///"PAGINA. 3A-MON BLOG SUR "THE REPUBBLICA"///IL MY BLOG ON "REPUBLIC" 4-MON BLOG SUR "THE STAMPA":CLIQUEZ//IL MY BLOG ON "THE PRESS". BASIC 1/MOI ET MON OPERATES: PERSONNELS BLOG (Temps r?)/IO and MINE. BASIC 1/MOI ET MON OPERATES: PERSONNELS BLOG (Temps r?)/IO and MINE. BASIC 2/LE LIVRE ECRIT: EFFET DANS LES PUBLICS (Temps. VOIR MON BLOG SUR eBay-U., MES LISTS DE PUBLICITE DANS the MONDE SUR"eBay" U. ETMERCADO LIBRE "(ou" deremate ", here east the même), ET" MY KABOODLE ". AVERTISSEMENT: toutes les ventes sont suspendues ET the lists seulement ont une valeur de the ADVERTISING exposition., MY INSERTIONS In the WORLD ON eBay U. And "" deremate "MERCADO LIBRE"(o that are the stesso), EDIL MY SPACE eBay U.ASSOCIATO "MY KABOODLE" ATTENZIONE:TUTTE the SALES ARE SUSPENDED and the INSERTIONS SINGLE HAVE EXPOSURE VALUE. MON BLOG SUR the PRESSED DU CANADA Toutes mes?uvres sur tout the Web en ligne Voir toutes mes publication en ligne sur les principaux moteurs de recherche du the Web:GOOGLE, LIVE SEARCH, YAHOO, MSN, ETC. YOU SEE ALL MY BANNS ONLINE On the MAIN SEARCH ENGINES Of the WEB:GOOGLE, LIVE SEARCH, YAHOO(Non represents my opinion) SEE ALL MY ONLINE PUBLISHING ON MAJOR SEARCH ENGINES FOR THE WEB: GOOGLE SEARCH LIVE, YAHOO. Voir tous mes "onlines"(èditions en ligne)ensemble sur SCOOPEO-CANADA. TOUS EN ITALIE 1//VEDI IN ITALY ALL MY ONLINE WITH 1 Cliquez pour rechercher Spazio Reale:Dott.giuseppe Ciancimino "Technology/Internet" - Sont 8: tous numérotés, moins one. Clicca and cerca"Spazio reale:dott.giuseppe Ciancimino" in "8:numerati Tecnologia/Internet"-Sono all, except one 3)2)Si vous of trouvez pas je vous donne:cliquez//SE NOT SIX. TOUS EN ITALIE 2(TECHNORATI)//TUTTI IN ITALY 2(TECHNORATI) BLOGNOTES SYSTEMATISE COURTESY DU NOUVELLE PLATE-FORME "KATAWEB" (De of it pas représenter Mon opinion) BLOGNOTES SISTEMATIZZA YOU COURTESY From NEW PIATTAFORMA"kataweb" (DOES NOT REPRESENT MY OPINION. CLICCA(NON REPRESENTS MY OPINION) Voir tous mes "onlines" ensemble 3(technorati-CANADA):tous mes édition en ligne en ensemble sur Mon espace technorati(Représenter Mon opinion) SEES ALL MY ONLINE ENTIRETY 3:TUTTI MY BANNS ONLINE WITH On MY SPACE TECHNORATI(RAPPRESENTA MY OPINION). MON"word-wiki"("agora REEL")//il MY "WORD-WIKI") "oratoire retour à jouer rôle important aussi bien dans les" agoras "de nouvelle puissance (parlement) the codicils en acte du public" (Pag. "the oratorial one I return to having an important role as well as in the"agora "of the new one potere(parlamento) as in the actions pubblici"(Pag.45 of mine libro"SCIENZE NEW DOCTORS and MASS-MEDIA:UNA WERE. BAN 6//SESTA PARTE:"io And MY PERSONAL OPERA/BLOG" ORIGINATES It THEM COMPLETE CAN DIRECTLY SEE VISITING IT The SITO:CLICCA On The LATERAL COLUMN BUTTON OMONIMO Or OF CONTINUATION ON THIS ADDRESS. BAN "ON LINENS" 3-PUBBLICAZIONE OF "VIOLAZIONE:CONCETTO SICHICO"/Seconda Edizione/Agosto 2006. The libro(opera breve)e' published from many years in behind and it has the two edizioni.D' second one however and last edition has one new version tipologica.), and also in others of collettivita Italian come.Asociacion Cultural the Garibaldina.(La first edition also in the Nacional Library of this paese).Per piu information you see Miscelanea and bureaucratic others post "of this same one blog. The Second Edition with the new version (tipologica stessura) only è.possibile.leggerla directly all' Hospital BRITANICO of this paese(vedi cover photocopy sotto).Ripeto that the work is only and is substantially always the same one, the differenza.è only of formal type. NATURALLY ALL THESE EDITIONS ARE PUBLISH ONLINE TO YOU. IN VARIOUS PLACES and ALL I EXPOSE to IT DI FOLLOWED IN WAY COMPLETO.(E' always the same work with same writing) 1)VERSIONE "NORMALE", "UFFICIALE":FOTOCOPIA(nuova tipologica stessura) THAT YOU CAN READ UNDER (COMPRISED the COPERTINA).(E the same work, always stanchero not to say it to me)..... b)Puoi to see photocopies of the article (Pag.1,2,3,),piu the photocopies of my contribution to comment way on the same article containing the complete version of the opera(Pag. c)E you directly can also legerla on the newspaper cliccando the link brought back to the foot of the post: (Useless to say that the repercussion piu important is that one brought back on the newspaper "COURIER Of the EVENING". The E' BOOK To MONTEVIDEO-URUGUAY-SUDAMERICA FROM WHERE NOT E' NEVER EXITED. COMPLETE PUBLICATION IN THE CONTEXT OF THE EUROPEAN DEBATE OF ITS REPERCUSSIONS. The work pours on a closely scientific concept of sexual violation conceived this as synonymous of the liberta of coscenza and scelta.Presento also for before the time in sessologia a made nomenclature of words taken of linguagio the daily pear tree used with one scientific intention. Bisogna to say that these concepts have had good acceptance and come riflettuti in qualchi Europee.(Vedi.foto.dell' legislations article on the "Courier of the Evening"). Of continuation the complete trascrizzione and il.commento and of the work. "14 November 2002 on the Italian newspaper" COURIER Of the SERA"(Pag. The plan on purpose seems to be originated of a case of violation of "appointment" being to how much says this articolista.Qualche.somiglianza.con the circumstantial relationships and unions PACS. These concepts I have developed in one given to it does not specify in the year 2002.La version for the publication and the legalizazione I have made it in mine lingua:Italiano.Il manuscript circulates give before the publication. "the intention of this work e' to ellavorare a concept of sexual violation from the point of view Scientifico.-Bisogna to protegere the donne(1)(senza to neglect the men) of the sexual and loving actions abbusivi.(Anche when they do not come escercita with violence) the violations to you is sexual and erotici actions against the volonta of someone of the intervineneti in a not essiste relationship amorevole.Ma when it comes not there violentata volonta the sex-amorevole.Ovviamente when the conscious and explicit consentimento of qualcuni of partecipe dil rapporto.Pero.perche the conscious and explicit consentimento when e' violence. Therefore the consentimento must be conscious and explicit,e therefore it must makes before every action of seduzione or erotico game at least, and not only during the coitus. To my warning this e' the only way to just guarantee the iberta of chosen sessuale.Ed e' the liberta cio that in last ratio it makes the difference between the consentimento and the imposition, than e' primoi the step of one violation. But e' now useful to stop a moment and to analizare qualcuni of the violenza)adoperati concepts of violazione(senza in last tempi.La the vulnerabbile woman and piu, the man less conditioned and percio the liberta of that one it comes diminuita.Ed e' for that the limit between the consentimento and the violation must be the lucidita one of the coscenza.Ed e' also for that it would have it are to us la.mediazione of an explicit consentimento, not even verbalizato pear tree always a step before the seduzione. If the consentimento would have to be posterior to free the explicit seduzione and not e' not e' perche the coscenza not e' lucida.In sum sexual and voluntary, free, when e' consentimento.conscio and there explicit an action aldila dil sex, dil relationship of dependency or other conditionings of every kind. POST-DATA:Qui I have used for before the time in sessologia of the oral terms of scientific-psichiatrica.Questa daily use with one intenzionalita nomenclature e' be all defined from me without that essistano antecedents. A)CORTEO, SEDUZZIONE and SEXUAL ACTION constitute various degrees sponenzialmente in growing,in that order, of one same loving action. CORTEGIAMENTO:Non makes to suporrere physical contact needily, puo to contain or proposed loving and sexual contact,ma it does not even contain obligatoriamente. to take it the hand, to accarezare corporal zones not erogene, to abracciare, ecc(contatto physicist not erogeno). B)INNAMORAMENTO, EROTISMO and SESSUALITA must differ. INNAMORAMENTO:comporta a feeling that has a high degree piu of psychical ellavorazione in the atrazzione between two to be umani.Contiene influenziati abstract aspects for the education, social, etc, e' not ago to suporrere needily cio that e' erogeno or sexual context. EROTISMO:Senza to exclude the advanced requests of the love is involved always sensibilita(sensualismo)ma the not needily coitus, and of also the contact fisico(vuoyerismo for ess). SESSUALITA:anche if we must diferenziarla of the genitalita one perche e' influenziata of the innamoramento and the erotismo, always contains it. Not ago to suporrere compulsorily the coitus with penetration. OF SESSOLOGIA. ME the COMMENTS Of The MENTIONED ARTICLE ARE OCUPATO LAST YEARS AGORAVOX:CLICCA. Finalmente.l' work è published in many other places online pear tree which I only deliver qualcuni: *-sul FRENCH NEWSPAPER "NOUVEL OBSERVATEUR":Puoi to see the photos sotto(Pag.1,2,3,4) or you can directly legerli cliccando cua:... * - ON MIO.BLOG "ZAP ZONES NETWORK"-"GAZZETTA OF THE SUD"-ITALIA. FOR REASONS OF ONE BETTER EXPOSURE IN ORDER TO PRINT COUNCIL CLICCARE CUA:. YOU CAN ALSO READ IT IN LANGUAGE FRANCESA:.com/dttgiuseppe/entry/ALSO-In-FRANCES-L. And YOU WANT YOURSELF TO BE READ To MY OPINION On "" GHOST DI OSCAR WILDE "CLICCA CUA:. BANDO"on LINENS" 2-PUBBLICAZIONE OF "NEW MEDICAL SCIENCES And MASS-MEDIA:UNA ERA.CREAZIONE Of the TELEMEDICINA Of The CELLULAR TELEPHONE And the TELEFONO-VIDEO.(IL BOOK And To MONTEVIDEO-URUGUAY-SUDAMERICA FROM WHERE MY BLOG(BLOGGER).POTRAI FARE.UNA ARE NOT NEVER ESCAPES) 4 NOVEMBER 2007:ATTENZIONE THIS PUBLICATION Of MY BOOKS REMAINED E' OSSOLETA.LI IN A GLUING OF An OTHER BETTER READING And WILL BE ABLE ALSO STAMPARE.QUESTI TWO POST ONLY REMAIN To WAY TESTIFY THEM OF THAT FIRST PUBLICATION ONLINE. BAN "ON LINE"1:pubblicazione OF "NEW MEDICAL SCIENCES And MASS-MEDIA:UNA ERA.CREAZIONE Of the TELEMEDICINA, The CELLULAR TELEPHONE And the TELEFONO-VIDEO.SCRITTO From The AUTORE"Cuarta Edizione-Agosto 2006-R. Of all mine written I have decided to give to only know two works. NEW MEDICAL 1)SCIENZE And MASS-MEDIA:UNA ERA.CREAZIONE Of the TELEMEDICINA, the TELEFONO.CELLULARE And the TELEFONO-VIDEO. After the publication of the works, aggiungero also others two brani:uno with the administrative-bureaucratic aspects, and the other a back-stage of the work. The BOOKS ARE To MONTEVIDEO-URUGUAY-SUDAMERICA FROM WHERE THEY ARE NOT NEVER ESCAPES COUNCIL IN ORDER TO PRINT TO VISIT THIS SITO(CLICCA):. The READING Of LAST MEDICAL VERSIONE(AUTOEDIZIONE) NEW DI"scienze And MASS-MEDIA:UNA ERA.CREAZIONE Of the TELEMEDICINA, The CELLULAR TELEPHONE And the TELEFONO-VIDEO.SCRITTO From AUTORE"cuarta.edizione/agosto 2006/R..SOLO E' POSSIBLE TO MAKE IT MONTEVIDEO-URUGUAY-SUDAMERICA HOSPITAL BRITTANICO, UNLESS ONLINE.TUTTI The OTHER COMPRESSED INSTITUTIONS THOSE ITALIANS DO NOT POSSESS QUESTA."stessura".la LETTTURA Of LAST EDITION EI TWO BOOKS UNLESS SINGLE ONLINE YOU CAN MAKE IT MONTEVIDEO-URUGUAY-SUDAMERICA HOSPITAL BRITTANICO. 4 NOVEMBER 2007:ATTENZIONE THIS PUBLICATION Of MY BOOKS REMAINED E' OSSOLETA.LI IN A GLUING OF An OTHER MY BLOG(BLOGGER).POTRAI FARE.UNA BETTER READING And YOU WILL BE ABLE ALSO STAMPARE.QUESTI TWO POST ONLY REMAIN To WAY TESTIFIES THEM OF THAT FIRST PUBLICATION ONLINE. BEGINNING WITH PHOTO OF ONE RIPRODUZZIONE OF THE NEWSPAPER "COURIER OF THE EVENING" PUBLISHED ON THE LAST PAGE OF THE BOOK (APPENDIX). - Photo of libro(Il the finger is mine) - Scanneo with colors and stessura originates them. PUBLIC BAN 18/CONTINUAZIONE 1:"video-citofono ONLINE":ripercussioni Of the BOOKS IN REAL TIME (YOU SEE the BEGINNING In The FRONT BAN:. YOU STORY The VICTORIA Of The GOOD "CON-SENSO", And The "NEW WAS" "The VOICE Of the SOLILOCHIO And The VICTORIA Of the EVE" COULD BE An OTHER TITLE FOR THIS WRITTEN. The movement in wraps of fast Internet Fixed-piece of furniture, raid of Vodafone Compra Tele2 in Italy and Spain. Operation, cost altogether 775 million, will allow the group to answer to the "quadruple play": the offer of four services in one (fixed, mobile, tv and Internet) launch 1° the October from Telecom Italy. To sell she has been the Tele2 Swede, present in 22 European Countries, that it would have marketed two between the companies that would consider less strategic. An offer in Italy would have been been left over also from Tiscali, while they would have said interested the purchase Wind and Fastweb. In particular, according to sources financial institutions, Tele2 Italy it would have been estimated around to 500 million, little more than 200 instead the Spanish company. 2 burlaps Spain count instead 550 mila customers, comprised the 240 mila of the wide band. 2 burlaps Italy in 2006 have recorded revenues for 546 million euro, while in the first semestre the 2007 proceeds have grown of 8.5%, catching up 298 million euro. The company has approximately 100 dependent in the center of Segrate (Milan) and 1,600 operating ones in the call center of the Aquila, of Cernusco on the Ship, Bariums and C#lecce. To this point the acquisition will be subordinate to winnows of the competent authorities of vigilance. The closing forecast is for the end of the year. In the four-year term the 2006-09 forecast of increase is of 4.3% regarding 0.7% of the mobile telephony. * * * 546 MILLION EURO, the revenues of Tele2 Italy in 2006. The number of the customers travels around to 2,5 million (This article can read it also in testifies diagram under or directly cliccando of continuation:. And THIS E' BE MINE Since FORETELLS the BEGINNING In The FIRST MONITO LAUNCH IN "NO DORMA"i.e E' The ONLY COMPANY IS NOT MADE AHEAD, ALSO OTHERS THREE "LARGE Ones" Of the TELECOMMUNICATIONSES LIKE TISCALI, FASTWEB And WIND HAVE COMPETTUTO FOR the AQUISTO. (AS WELL AS TRUE and AS WELL AS "MULTITUDINARI" HOW MUCH OF IS ABLE TO MAKE TO IMAGINE the STAMPA).Io is limited to make an analysis me, "semiotico" if you want, of journalistic articles and its fallacies. Pear tree from the scientific point of view finiro making reference the studies of Or is not neutral part in this "contest". , unloaded from the situated official in FRANCIA.Essistono however some gaps in the acquaintances sugl biological effects, that they demand ulterior searches "(Reports to 25.000 scientific articles publishes to you in last the 30 years in the field of medical the biological effects and the application of the not ionizzanti cancellations. But then what and behind these campaigns of stampa.Si expects instead always piu the test of lora assenza".:Barnabas the Kunsch of the Austrian Center of Search of Seibesdorf there is the source-matrix of this opinione.Lo asserts this same one written, vedi:"Ma perche the search would have to continue if the scientists gia have demonstrated that not there is some effect. I say io:non would have to be the man the last aim of the cosi searches like is the man the adressee of these tecnologie.Lodevole is every effort in order to prevent noxe and its efetti, but without losing sight the man in how much subject of the suffering and carrier of the noxe.E be the human creativita one to carry it to "realta of the alive ones", or the ispiratrice breath of some spirit corporizzato in a personage, single or collettivo.Ogni avra interrogating its rispota to this piu metaphysical that scientific in agreement with its credenze.pero the facts are the facts as far as to the risponsabilita one of the stampa.Nel understood entitled it "Developments of the search" esprime:"Se the electromagnetic fields constitutes effectively the countries industrializati.Il public the electromagnetic fields demand concrete answers to a question always piu pressante:se meet in the daily life provoke injurious effects to you for the salute.I average of information often seem to have answers definitive.Si would have pear tree to estimate with precaution their affirmations, holding present that the main interest of means of information is not that one of istruire.Il great number of searches that suggest that the electromagnetic fields are innocuous recevono percio insufficient attention, or of it they do not receive affatto.La science puo not to supply the resultati guarantee of an absolute innocuita.i of the search are pear tree, in theirs compesso,rassicuranti".," the time works in favor of these technologies "I said io)anche if they remain some elettricita incertezze".Senza the societa would be to a data of fact of the modern life, and essential thing to analyze benefits and upgrades them risks and to make of a bilancio".Ovvio is only one struck scherzosa in the plan of" fiction ", pear tree is augured that they coincide with me. To all then I would advise to inquire itself adeguatamente.Vedi I testify diagram under or cliccando of continuation:. (the ultraspecializata"pero iformazione e'" is not modernized, "to hold presente".(vedi under fotocopia)Forma part of that they possess and they see all) This article can also read it cua:. REASSUMED Of The LAST AGGIORNAMENTI:"i SPIN CONDUCTORS OF A DEBATE" IF SIX VISITING NEW One Or YOU WANT ONE PANORAMIC VISION Of The LAST VICISSITUDES OF THESE MODERNIZATIONS COUNCIL TO READ To YOU IN THIS ORDER:. "NO SLEEPS" II:WI-FI, The CINA,SANITA, "OSCURANTISTI And TRANSFORMISTI".:fra SUPERMAN And KRYPTONITA, E' HUNTING To the WITCH. CONSENSUATA:la MEDICINE birth of the medicine based on the consent. "MEDICINE CONSENSUATA" II And "NO SLEEP" II:PURE ILLUMINATE To IT To YOU DO NOT SLEEP. YOU STORY The VICTORIA Of The GOOD "CON-SENSO", And The "NEW WAS". YOU STORY The VICTORIA Of The GOOD "CON-SENSO", And The "NEW WAS" 2. These last ones post have a sure one joined argue them and are convenient to read them with and to hold a essito total idea of tutti.L' final of this vicissitude comes marked for the peace in post"VI the STORY the VICTORIA Of the CONSENT". Understanding it all apparte it is that one of the emergency online analyzed in post "AMERINDIAN ACROSTICI and NEOCOLONIALISMO. And not to end without to read the "last moral" in the scritto:"O. PEAR TREE NEW And THIN ATTACKS To HAD To SORMONTARE The NEW WAS SEES THEM:. WITHOUT FILI(WIFI And WIMAX):BUON BORN THEM AND "HAPPY NEW IT WAS". SIMPLE WIMAX:UN CLARK KENT "short DEPOTENZIATO"(chiarimento). YOU STORY the VICTORIA Of the GOOD "CON-SENSO", and the "NEW WAS" 2 You story ancora:vedi the confirmation of all how much has said in the post previous of the same name has not made aspettare.(Vedi under photocopy of the article of the Italian newspaper "the press" from where I have learned the notizia).(Vedi under photocopy of the articolo).Vedili also under in a photocopy of the newspaper "the Press". But we reason in positivo:ben comes its I testify to confirmation of the triumph of the good consent, pear tree. CUA POST OMONIMO NUMBER ONE:. And not to lose the threads of the debate, clicca of continuation:. WIMAX:UN CORMOLANO On the MOON Or The FLIGHT Of the CYBER-ICARO. FOR HOW MUCH I HAVE LEARNED IN THESE DAYS SEEMS THAT The CONTEST FOR the ISTALAZIONE Of the WIMAX IN ITALIA.INFATTI GIA E' IS GIA AVIATA BE PUBLISHED On The OFFICIAL GAZETTE The BAN FOR the ALLOCATION Of the FREQUENCIES, RESOLVED The TECHNICAL, BUREAUCRATIC PROBLEMS AND OTHERS. SUDIVISE The AREAS OF COMPETENCE, SAYING WHO PUO And WHO PUO NOT TO CONCUR, ETC. DALTRONDE ALL THIS CONNECTED E' To POLITICAL MOVEMENTS "POLITICI"(di COMUNICAZIONALE PARLANDO)E CONTAINS A FILOSOFIA.LA PHILOSOPHY AS USUAL TAKES ADVANTAGE OF The CLASSIC HYPOCRISY To the ITALIAN WHO I CALL "The VITTIMISMO". COSI The THINGS I WANT TO BEGIN MY REFLECTION BEING ASSERTED ENDURED SOME CONCEPTS NETTI:.INOLTRE DOUBTFUL E' ITS IMPLEMENTAZIONE PRATTICA(OLTRE To THAT POLITICA-AMMINISTRATIVA-IMPRENDITORIALE). DELAYING, HINDERING, And SNATURALIZANDO the COURSE Of The DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY Of the NEW WAS. (WITH ALL TECHNOLOGICAL SOLUTIONS AFFINI:PALMARI, PCMOBILI, ETC)) PERHAPS THIS TECHNOLOGY COSI PRATTICA, ECONOMICALLY ACCESIBBILE, MULTIPLE PREVENTS To SOMEONE OF CONETTARSI IN WHICHEVER PART Of the MONDO.(COMPRESA ITALY IF STILL IT CAME CONSIDERED In the WORLD). MOREOVER The NET 3G ALLOWS ALSO The TRANSMISSION OF DATA TO HIGH VELOCITA And BEST PERCHE UNIVERSAL E' OF COVER VIA SATELLITE.IN GOOD NOVEL ALLOWS CONNETTARSI TO INTERNET To CHIUNCHE HAS LITTLE EXPENSIVE An ADULTERATED SMALL COSI AS ALL TELEPHONE FOR ESS.MA FOR REACHED AVRA AVERAGE And PIU STILL INTEGRATED IN A SINGLE ISTRUMENTO.NO, DIVIDES To WHO OSTACOLIZZA The DEVELOPMENT OF THIS TECHNOLOGY, CIO' E' IN LAST RATIO SLOWS DOWN the ACCESS To LEI:WIMAX EXACTLY. INSOMMA WHAT WE MAKE, PERPETUAMO OLD ANALOGOUS COMPUTER CASALINGO(E).lo PERPETUAMO And WE DIFFUSE IT To the POVERACCI Of The THIRD WORLD UNDER The GARMENT, The FALSE One DRESSED Of MIRACLE SALVATORE. IT DOES GOOD the FEATURE WRITER TO SAY THAT THIS E' a COMPLEMENTARY NET To the OTHERS, BUT THIS COMPLEMENTARIETA CONDICE WITH the GRANDILOQUENZA Of DOES NOT ANNOUNCE BENEFITS to YOU and MIRACOLI.(LEGGI the POST "YOU STORY the VICTORIA Of the GOOD CONSENT and the II":.come CLEARS the ARTICLE WELL the WIMAX IF SUCCEEDED TO WORK WOULD NOT BE OTHER THAT a COMPLEMENT To the CONNECTION "WITH THREADS" THEM WHERE THAT ONE E' (O COMES NOT There LESS). IN QUETI CONDITIONS SATISFIED FOR HAVING THIS SYSTEM SINGLE COMPLEMENTARE.PENSO NOT, The PRICE WOULD BE TOO MUCH HIGH FOR A DEFAULTING COSI SERVICE), And EVEN In the DYNAMICS BETWEEN The EMERGENCY AND The DELITTO.NON TRUE E' THAT COMES EXCEEDED ONLY INSTALLING INNECESSARIE COMPLEMENTARY NETS THAT PIU I TOAST INCREASE INDEED THAT SUPERARLO.CREAMO NEEDS WHERE NOT THERE ARE FOR AFTER OFFERING To US LIKE MIRACOLISI SALVATORI OF EVILS THAT SAME WE HAVE OLD INVENTATO.UNA TECHNICAL PROPAGANDISTICA-CONSUMISTICA THAT FOR HOW MUCH I STILL SEE FROM FRUTTI.VEDI The POST:"il LACKED PASQUETTA MIRACLE". THEN WE WOULD WANT TO END THESE REFLECTIONS COUNTING To YOU ONE SHORT HISTORY: YOU SEE I I AM A LOVER DELLA NATURA.IN SOUTH AMERICA (WHERE I STILL MAKE The PENDOLARE)QUELLA E' INCONTAMINATA And HE APPEALS TO To A LOT The SEA To ME THAT I ATTEND FROM WHEN NATO(NON SINGLE IN SOUTH AMERICA,E' "CONNATURALE To ME.NON ARE HAVE NEVER LIVED IN A PLACE FAR AWAY DAL SEA, NOT US RIUSCEREBBE).DI USUAL (ALSO ALL The DAYS) AFTER ENDED The HARDS WORK DAILY, OF HAS BEEN THAT Of WINTER, US VADO.PORTO WITH ME The SWIMSUIT, A BOOK, ONE RADIO, TELEPHONE And APPEALS TO To ME TO SLIDE LONGEST SOLITARY HOURS TO OBSERVE The NATURE OF THESE DEPOPULATES To YOU, MOST EXTENSIVE, VENTOSE, FLAT And OCEANICCI REGIONS AUSTRALI.MI I PUT IN A ISOLETTA OF LITTLE METERS PICTURES FAR DAL CLAXON INSOMMA Of TRUE POVERACCI INVOLUTIVI THAT In MALAPPENA SUCCEED TO SWIM, ADAPTS To YOU IN ORDER TO BE IN AQUA BUT NOT IN EARTH, And NOT In the AIR. SURE IN A TIME RELATIVELY SHORT MEASURED IN "TIME EVOLUZIONISTICO" THIS FRAGILE BECOME SPECIES COSI SCOMPARIRA.IL ITS WIDE NECK NEARLY AS The BODY At the MOMENT TO SWALLOW ALLOWS IT TO DIGEST YOU LIVE LARGE PESCI.IN EARTH IS VERY WELL And PUO PROCURARSE Of FOOD ALSO LI.POSSONO TO TAKE OFF IS IN SEA THAT IN EARTH And LIKE AFFECTATION Of ITS FORTRESS THESE UCCCELLI NEVER DO NOT GO IN GROUP BUT ONLY IN COPPIA.INSOMMA An ABLE ANIMAL OF SOPRAVIVERE IN SEA, AIR AND EARTH, A TRUE ABLE AMPHIBIAN ALSO OF VOLARE.(UN EQUAL BIRD PEAR TREE PIU PORTENTOSO IS The ALBATRI, BUT A PO' PIU To the SOUTH OF THIS ZONE FLIES WHERE I FIND, In the ANTARTIDE).MI HE COMES TRUE ENVIES TO THINK IN TERRA.QUANTI MILENIE THERE ARE INTENTIONAL IN ORDER TO CREATE the AEREO.QUANTI IN ORDER TO TRAVEL UNDER The MARE.E HOW MANY IN ORDER TO EXCEED FRAGILE VELOCITA BIPEDA.QUANTO And IMPERFECTS WE ARE OF FOREHEAD TO OTHER CREATURES Of the NATURA.HANNO NEED the CORMALANI OF SUBMARINES, AIRPLANE And MACHINA.QUANTO LITTLE EVOLUTI WE ARE And UNFORTUNATELY WE HAVE The SUPERBIA TO CONSIDER US KING Of the CREAZIONE.MA A PO OF RELIEF ME E' COME To THINKING Next to the TRAVELS SPACES THEM And To the INCREASE Of the ORGANS Of the SENSES THAT US FROM The TECHNOLOGIES Of the TELECOMUNICAZIONI.CI MAKE "LITTLE IMPERFECTS PIU EVOLUTI":avete NEVER SEEN A CORMALANO On the MOON. And WITH EMERGENCY RIUSCIRANNO NEVER NOT TO COMMUNICATE ITSELF At a distance. SURE A LITTLE SOPRAVIVERLI HOPE WE HAVE It, AND ALSO A LITTLE SERENE SENSE OF SUPERIORITA BETWEEN OTHER SPECIE.O MAGARAI LIKE SIMPLE And A ROZZO DUCKLING NOT RIUSCIRA OF ALSO To DECOLLARE.E' A REDUCTION To The SURE ABSURDITY E' PEAR TREE A FACT DATA THAT COULD THINK WHICHEVER READER BADLY INFORMED, DISTRACTED, LITTLE ACCORTO.ED E' SINCE IT COMES REPEATED IN ALL The LINE OF THIS GIORNALE("corriere Of the SERA")e FROM NOT LITTLE POLITICIANS And PERSONAGES OF SPICO Of The ITALIAN PUBLIC SCENE. IF YOU WANT TO KNOW THAT WHAT E' The TECHNOLOGY Of The "NEW WAS" YOU READ MY BOOK And IT VISITS MY SITUATED CUA:. You see also all the modernizations of this blog, and not to forget to begin from "Kilometer" 0 "of the New Was" - You can also read this article on the press of France and Italy cliccando of continuation:. THEY HAVE BEEN OTHER NEWS ON THIS VICISSITUDE And YOU WILL BE ABLE TO READ THEM CUA:. STILL WIMAX, YOU STORY GOOD NOTIZIE:PER THE MOMENT ONLY A CORMOLANO. The CONTEST IN ORDER TO PUT IN MOTION NET WIMAX STILL GOES AHEAD PEAR TREE the FACTS A LITTLE REASON ME HAS GIVEN), The MOVEMENT E' INCREASED BEYOND To THESE PRIVATE GROUPS TO OTHER "PUBLIC PIU", The ANCI(Associazione Nazonali Common Italian) AND The COMMON One OF GENOVA.(ALDILA THAT THEY ARE SMALL Or LARGE The COMPANIES TO MANAGE IT) BUT WHAT ONE DEMANDED "SOCIO-QUANTIFICABILE":che ASKED WITH THIS RESOURCE THESE "VARIES SOGGETTI".ed ALSO The OPERATING FAVORITES IS SMALL And NOT GRANDI(.) And QUE A PORTION Of the PHANTOM WAS GRATIS FOR PUBLIC ADMINISTRATIONS ASSIGNS to CITTADINI.ABONDANO ESSEMPIMA BETTER PARLARNE.E THEN IS NOT ALL SMALL The COMPANIES THAT HAVE APOGGIATO THIS RESOURCE. GOOD E' EUROPE IN ORDER TO COMPARE GOOD PEAR TREE To US IS NOT ITS SOLUTIONS, AS WELL AS FOR The AUTORITA LIKE FOR "the OPOSIZIONE".be THIS MAKES PART Of CLASSIC "ALTERITA ITALIANA", OUR "VITTIMISMO", ENDEMIC, BY NOW NEARLY FOLKLORIC. The TRUE DIFFERENCE, The TRUE ASYMMETRY REGARDS To the EXELSE INTENTIONS DECLARES YOU FROM THESE POLITICAL MOVEMENTS And To INTELLECTUAL POVERTA ENNUNCIATIVA, AND SPIRIITUALE Of ITS ACTS. IN SUM the WIMAX HAS STILL NOT TAKEN OFF PEAR TREE GIA KNOWS THAT CORMOLANO NOT DIVENTERA a DEVOUT PERSON DI SELENE.Una chain of "public-private mutants partime" insomma. Urgency reason does not exist, explains the amministrativoregionale court. That between some month it will give the merit judgment.
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