05 March 2008
Listen real mccoy another night
Official STAR TREK fan club | star Trek - Classic (TOS) | film and other errors with Classic/TOS.. Film and other errors with Classic/TOS film and other errors with Classic/TOS. Film and other errors with Classic/TOS. I catch times with the first 4 episodes on (the others follow). If I something?rsehen has, then postet under it. If it me m?ich is, I can make of it pictures. And now let us begin: At the beginning of the consequence, after Kirk, McCoy and Darnell on the Planetenoberfl?e materialisieren, tr? Kirk the Trikorder in its hand:. then it h?t pl?lich?r Kirks shoulder:. it bends itself down, in order Kr?er to pfl?en - the Trikorder (Tr?r) tree ELT down:. then h? Kirk it pl?lich again in the hand:. Opening unfold the Kommunikatoren did not function always smoothly. I m?te (only) two examples anf?en, which originate from this consequence: After the location of Darnells corpse: Kirk wants the Kommunikator aufschnippen to leave -. he opens him with the hand:. After location of Greens corpse the same problem:. Janice edge brings Sulu somewhat to eat and by the salt monster in shape of Green is pursued. Sulu begins to meals - everything is still okay:. The Sch?el/Schale disappeared, the Nahrungsw?el lies on a second plate, beside with the Stangensellerie:. Everything is again with the old person. Again there the Sch?el/Schale with Nahrungsw?eln is:. After the pack of cards in the recreational area Charlie meets on Kirk. The Captain is called on the Br?e and the two goes into the turbo-elevator:. The turbo-elevator?net itself and Kirk tr? pl?lich gr? Uniform shirt (Turbolift=Umkleidekabine. is slammed short Nimoy, when he went to soil, against it on it is it again correct:. Charlie "froze" Kirk and Spock:. but Spock/Nimoy zwinkert still (Okay, that are hairsplittings nevertheless, but. View from above into the turbo-elevator. There is no elevator pit - the soil does not exhibit any "crack":. The gravestone with "R" instead of a "T":. Kirk pr?lt itself with Mitchell - its shirt tore up:. that of the Stuntmans is okay:. Kirk has after the Pr?lei cut/scratch in the face:. The skin modulator functions apparent perfectly - Sp?r on the Br?e are no more injuries in the face of the Captains:. Which makes that here the on-duty communication officer straight. The Fl?igkeit with the viruses moves aufw?s - against the force of gravity:. When Spock goes to howling into the discussion area, the Scots?nen themselves completely normally:. He is hardly in the area, leans he against it and - oh miracle - her remains closed:. The secret Vulkanier is otherwise somehow pain insensitive or. It is already sad that in the future the digital clocks were again abolished. Because the differently fast running rollers of the minutes and seconds (pre and then r?w?s) indicate confusing times:. This contribution was 7 times edited, for the last time of Ariana: 11 thus I already knew some. Are nevertheless not so attentive apparent. I sit also gladly with eagle eyes before the series, but z. never noticed to me that Kirk in the golden Shirt enters the turbo-elevator and with one gr?n again comes out. There however someone does not have watched out with the trick. RH: Film and other errors with Classic/TOS most I could not do already however some also yet - thanks f?die M?. It is already sad that in the future the digital clocks were again abolished. Because the differently fast running rollers of the minutes and seconds (pre and then r?w?s) indicate confusing times:. I ask myself straight whether it 1966?rhaupt already digital clocks gave - thus in the form with shining crystals or which other one. To the topic digital clocks I times looked for. Welfare Meier gr?ete the company Optel, who developed some LCDs according to this principle. In Germany the patent was not given however. They replaced fast the worse DSM types. Scarcely misses thus, and probably pig-expensively at that time. RH: Film and other errors with Classic/TOS most I could not do already however some also yet - thanks f?die M?. It is already sad that in the future the digital clocks were again abolished. Because the differently fast running rollers of the minutes and seconds (pre and then r?w?s) indicate confusing times:. I ask myself straight whether it 1966?rhaupt already digital clocks gave - thus in the form with shining crystals or which other one. Thanks, robse, f?diese interesting information. Which concerns my remark: I wrote "that in the future digital clocks" was again abolished) digital clocks to already have, which in the future again abolished become/will. This contribution was 2 times edited, for the last time of Ariana: 31. from the point of view seen k?te one with material representations of planet/telescopes. We are stop 40 years further (if also not always in the head). That was at that time already mad. @robse f?die search, I thanks suspected sowas. But they were at that time already very modern. I, those like direction errors am pleasant, but the technology or the technical visions is already their time been however today still waits far ahead on the Feinberger, the w? madly. This contribution was 3 time edited, for the last time of Stef *: 31. I remember the "many death scenes" of the as per Kelso (so more hie?der nevertheless, or. Thus wei?ich, more da?er died and directly in the same consequence fr?ich in the background by a passage ran, when Spock entered an area. And that was not his only death - and even if he comes back as twin brother or a name cousin - he comes back. That you notice that you saw too much ST. You call in panic with each lunar eclipse John de Lancie and ask him, the gravitation constant of the universe too?ern, so that the moon seems again. I could suffer Kelso also well (or the Kelsos. But still rather was me O'Riley - which h?e along-played calmly more?er (and sing. And now to the n?sten 4 consequences:. also as Kirk on the Enterprise/Transporterraum materialisiert, is it not yet there:. the "other" Kirk has also no emblem:. briefly on it on the course - again there the emblem is:. The Doppelg?er threatens the genuine Kirk with (small) a Phaser type I:. in the Gro?ufnahme is it (gro?r) a Phaser type II:. Here again the Phaser type I, when the Doppelg?er was set for combat by Spocks grasp au?r:. With the last confrontation on the Br?e. The scratches are once on the left of and once right in the face - with the Captain left with the Doppelg?er right:. Okay, is to be seen nearly not, but nevertheless. At the Schlu? when Kirk is "complete" again and pill asks it, how he is, Kirk makes a turn the side:. then, in the Gro?ufnahme, he makes again a small turn in the same direction:. (I here unfortunately cannot show it better, there it a movement admission am and here still another example, how one with the German Synchro times which make better could: Spocks of bad Sager at the end of the consequence to Janice edge:. At the beginning in the transporter area tr? McCoy a lang?liges uniform shirt:. In a Gro?ufnahme tr? it a kurz?eliges (to see, but one does not know it) physician shirt. One recognizes clearly that this admission originates from the military hospital:. then it is again the Lang?elige:. This picture originates from a sp?ren scene of the consequence - one sees, the Gro?ufnahme from before comes from here:. When one of Mudds ladies in the military hospital at a medical indicating panel vorbeil?t, awakes pl?lich to the "life":. in the Gro?ufnahme the head of the lady disappeared -. - although it stands nevertheless directly before it - happened?igens the 2x. Mudds pill box with the wonder drug has a cover:. Mudd becomes in its Kaj? from a police officer guards, who passes the ladies however l?t:. have it the ladies sp?r also pray?, since Mudd, when Childress in-arrives on board, says Kirk (by Kommunikator) pl?lich to the T?herein st?t. at the conclusion that it together with Mudd and the crystals on board beamen w?e. But it verl?t with Harry the area, without Childress it ausgeh?igt it:. When of Kirk a clone is made, one sees it and its copy lying on the Androidenmaschine. Among them is a recess:. The Android beamt on the Enterprise to get and carry over the "command package forward" from Kirks safe:. but as it Kirks Kaj? verl?t and drau?n at the course, has he is not it any more in the hand:. Kirk was bound to a chair. Ruk and Andrea stand directly behind him:. It seizes downward and begins binding too l?n. however Ruk and Andrea notices nothing of it:. Janice was entf?t by the "Kleinlingen" and bound to an armchair. Binding is "under" their elbows:. In the Gro?ufnahme is it "?r" the elbows:. This contribution was 12 times edited, for the last time of Ariana: 01. So, and now further with the n?sten 4 consequences: If the Zentralvervensystemmanipulator is switched off, an announcement shines:. is it on, does it however not - the w? it not turned around more meaningfully. Helen Noels uniform is rather short, but William commodity Theiss has it at least ungef? coloured to it suitable Unterw?he attraction. Spock has its Ohrenst?el in it, when he speaks with Kirk:. Camera position change: Close-up: The Ohrst?el disappeared:. Also in the other one, previous consequences, but here auff?ig. Spock tr? still red rouge on the cheeks:. The clock plays again verr?t. It jumps from 2 minutes to 1 minute and Sulu says completely correctly: "still another one minute":. A Sch?el/Schale with three, gef?ten Gl?rn standing beside it appears:. Balok divides the Gl?r out:. It takes the Sch?l?el/die Sch?kelle and f?t its own glass from the Sch?el/Schale after:. Kirk is sceptical and does not want not to drink - as also its M?er. Only as Balok drinks, take also the star fleet chaps a sip:. But the Gl?r was gef?t already before and of Balok availed itself from the Sch?el/Schale, thus. This Trania was?igens so a kind orange juice, which was rather warm and tasted greyful. The M?er of the Enterprise beamen on the space basis 11 - it is day:. Then - inside the space station - drau?n prevails night:. Pikes accomodation is not obstruct fair. One with Scot w? here surely more meaningfully:. but measure Piper may zuh?n, as Kirk and Mendez dar?r speak however Mendez is only an illusion created of the Thalosianern, which drives itself quite in the universe around. Even shuttle to fly may do it:. The parts of the central nervous system manipulator (see above) were again used. Now the announcement shines however, if the Ger?eingeschaltet is - Spock switches and the light off goes out:. The poor Scotty has no Gala uniform contrary to all other. Tja, one had to save evenly money. (still) the laughing Spock under the command of Captain Christopher Pike: This contribution was 7 times edited, for the last time of Ariana: 11. Film and other errors with Classic/TOS forum software: Burning board, develops GmbH from WoltLab
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