04 March 2008
First production harley
famous concept car of all is GM' s 1951 LeSabre, designer. conduct the car as his everyday driver for almost 70, concepts used on the LeSabre will find their way into normal production GM models, and the name will be later. grille bars to are reduced in width and consequently added in. They now stop at the bumper, instead of enveloping it as they did last year. first cars with Ford-made automatic. transmissions, the Merc-O-Matic, is offered in the Mercury. manufactures to total of 310,387 cars for the year, but material limitations two to the Korean War begin to affect. takes part in the first International Motor Show (IAA). padded dashboard, and to POP-OUT windshield. car, the Allstate, in the southeastern United States, although it can be purchased to elsewere through their. cars is discontinued by Kaiser-Frazer, and the Henry J model, inexpensive aline of small cars begin. introduced in 1951, takes the Super Six chassis, refines it and then adds to significantly more powerful engine. the 262 cubic inch displacement in-linens six-cylinder engine iss bored out to 308 cubic inches, the the Hudson Hornet instantly becomes one of the hottest cars on the. created the hemispheric combustion chamber V-8 engine, the. The Hemi engine is to relatively expensive option for. Equal Its costs often to third of the. Chrysler will stop producing the Hemi in the mid-50s two to the costs. concept car of all the times comes introduced from GM: e' the mythical LeSabre, planned in order to to make one's debut in 1951 in a tour of the cars-show of all from the Buick Y-Job, e' successful to gives with the LeSabre the dimension to us of what would have to us classified, also stilistici concepts of the LeSabre will find however a fast application on some models of GM that will be produced in the years following verra' then used for one line of Buick. models market the first endowed automobiles of a automatic gearshift. of material due to the war in Korea a windshield begins to first International Motor Show (IAA) European from the fine imbottito dashboard and that puo' to be models Henry that are small cars and. 1951 come reduced the height of the grill and del. they can boast an only style all, while the dimensions, from true highway cruisers, make si' that the inner space is generous also on the 2. models to transportation corridors leading into and out of New York City, and efforts at transportation and infrastructure. CORRIDORS INTO AND OUT OF NEW YORK CITY. SHOW DIRECTIONS OF FLOW FOR TRAINS, FERRIES, HIGHWAYS. illustration of United States with "transportation entering to subway -- underground subway station, inside the train, shot of the inside of the tunnel the ferry boat from New Jersey subway lines, bus lines, and people' s movement into and out. the ways of access and escape of New York infrastructures and the means put into effect to you in order to lighten. Time: 00:11:33 Audio/Visual: silent, C Quality: # Chevrolet Division, General Motors Corporation distributed on Autumn 1950 to promote the brand new 1951. to this film deteriorated and was destroyed by the Jam. Only the rare Kodakrome master pix. whose the sonorous one, deteriotated?tato cancelled from. an average summer day at Daytona Beach. newsreel on the General McArthur' s big parade in NY. disowned on the parade of general McArthur to New. filmet at the Henry Ford Museum. filmata to the inside of the museum Henry Ford. filmed at the Henry Ford Museum. filmata to the inside of the museum Henry Ford. newsreel on the GM concept car LeSabre. Pages of one brochure the Hudson of 1951. Frazer, Henry, and Nash cars images. Kaiser, Frazer, Henry and the 1951, Nash of experiments with marijuana and experiences "profound mental. this vintage, marijuana leads straight to" H, "and Marty' s decline continues until he is busted, rehabbed and. Addiction' s stilted view of the urban drug cultures and unrealistic portrayals of stoned slackers make it. "second wave" of anti-drug films, the postwar to scare stories about middle-class kids overcome by junkiedom. wave of films reveals is that drugs to were an issue for white adolescents long before the psychedelic Sixties, and that the official response to the threat expressed to general. decline and fall of "Marty", to "good boy" who becomes to Marty' s experimentation begins with marijuana, which produces "profound mental and emotional." Marty then goes straight to "H," which he buys from Louie, the local dealer (who keeps his stash in to Marty is caught, sent to to drug rehab center (where he cuts down dead corn stalks and plays checkers). The scenes to where Marty and loads of his stoned friends drink out of broken Pepsi bottles is memorable. in all drug films, the marijuana sequences to are the most. "Thoughtless curiosity can lead to to lifetime." The street pushers in this film wear. film begins with EXCELLENT shot of teens at to drive-in. troubled personality, not matter how hidden or unrecognized, to there may be to seed bed for drug addiction ". one of the gang if it killed him ". The stuff costs too much to. "the don' t wanna punch myself fulla holes like that. sudden attacks of vomiting and of diarrhea". You' king just to junkie to everybody around. with excellent resumptions of young people to drive-in on splendid moments of the inauguration, in 1951, of the Route. moments of the inauguration, in 1951, of the Route. moments of the inauguration, in 1951, of the Route. Oldsmobile Division, General Motors Corporation. Johnny, whose radio show is sponsored by Oldsmobile, to are invited to visit the Olds factory to see why the product is. While touring the plant, Johnny becomes concerned that another visitor is to Martian spy dedicated to. Loads might call this film to McCarthyite allegory. others to slow-moving plant tour. Lucille and Johnny (Themselves). Barry Hopkins (advertising Mr. of the Oldsmobile with one weft narrates this hymn to the beneficial effects of highways. island and parking spaces (West Grand Avenue, Detroit, Michigan, shot right outside General Motors headquarters it moves away to entire view of truck full of animal cages. lot to beach of people, to trailer Park, to picnic, slide down into water and Splash. out to car with Young mother and child. theater sign lit up: Police TOWN DRIVE-IN THEATER grabbing her face with her hands getting out of car with flashing siren light nurses, man walks up and and hands nurse wallet Woman at filing cabinet, closes rows, locks cabinet passes cars on the road shoulder car passes foolishly when car is coming in other side view of two people in moving car Young girl raising her hand to swear an oath basketball, swimming, track, baseball, tennis, turns in front of "wall" of cars as it makes left ticket as man paces and tries to talk policeman out of talking to man, hits gavel against stand window to indicated he is turning, he makes walking and chewing gum, walking with friend and dog at red light as crowd crosses street in front of car "throng" of cars driving down street car/wheel, side of bumper, headlight kids running and on bicycles crossing treelined of car, room pans up to 2 men exchanging ID, then policeman walks into the scenes. 1951] In this film to driver' s license is personified and relates in its own words how important to drive role the motor vehicle plays in modern life and how to it symbolizes. the film show to driver' s license and, as scenes of the Atlantic, the Pacific, the Gulf, and the Great Lakes to are shown, the license says, "the am your permit to drive -- your. ambulances, police cars, and taxicabs to are shown pursuing their individual ways through City streets and along. The driver' s license says that it is to necessary belonging of the driver and every one of these vehicles and that only as long as the driver obeys the safety. shown in which the driver' s license is the sun means of. The license comments on the fact that Young drivers to are involved in twice as many accidents as older drivers and that they should remember that when they sign to license, they really sign to pledge. to observance of the rules of fair play in games. driving rules as allowing the right-of-way and staying on the right side of the traffic lines are compared to similar. The license reminds the audience that drivers who to are poor sports may have their licenses. pointing out that the new driver has an opportunity to learn the right way to drive and by urging him to respect the obligations and responsibilities which to are implied by. Starts with quick pan of to crowded lakeside beach, cut to pan (in the opposite direction of the first) of to camping situated where trailers to are lined up. We briefly see to woman sitting outside of to tent she turns. Cut to to pan of two older women and to couple sitting at to picnic table (covered with to Behind them is their nice trailer. of shots of people walking along to City sidewalk. is at eye level and the next is from to lower angle (near. The these room switches off with two. of motion "(as the narrator describes the people. amazing films, designed to brainwash Young drivers-to-be. to drive as something equatable with Liberty and Justice. Second, it portrays driving as to wonderful, liberating. industry as the indispensable linchpin of the American Way. And fourth, it uses the fifties' big fist of conformity to tell its teen viewers that deviates who disobey highway "rules" will be cast out of society and/or caught and punished severely and/or worse. manages to I give all this by showing us continuous stream of traffic and driving footage, overlaid with to nonstop grandiloquent narration purportedly provided by to talking. or purse, yet the unroll before your eyes to magic carpet -- the millions of miles of highways and byways that. passport to pleasure, "and Americans must realize that" matter who they not to are, matter not to where they to are, the am with." Just like liberty and democracy and Jesus. General Motors' vision of America, thoughtfully provided. become geared to the automobile, "the permit tells us. "The automobile has brought with it to new way of life, new standard of living, matched by not other nation in the world" (we see shots of groceries being loaded into. the permit informs us, new industries have been created that "help keep turning the wheels of our national economy" and "add billions to our wealth, providing goods, services, and job opportunities undreamed of only yesterday. "This year, will be among the last papers of tens of thousands who will have not further use for me (mostly" 18- to 24-year-olds, "the permit adds). Over and over the ask myself, why. thoughtlessness of youth that takes such to toll. Have the allowed myself to be -- taken for." The permit is wracked with soul-searching agony. tell people when they write their names across my face that they to are signing to pledge -- to pledge to be the kind of. courtesy -- the fair play -- each of us expects. Plea Next comes the for. Time loads, play the game." Sadly, the permit notes, our nation' s highways have their to share of "poor sports. to are the reckless, who causes the accidents that maim and. "Offenders, whose invasion of the rights of others may lead to curtailment of their own rights. emphasis we to are shown staged shots of to smug Young man in to loud, plaid sport coat having his permit revoked by to. "Remember," the permit concludes, "am your permit to drive, not your right to drive. drive only as long as you abide by the rules. sponsored this the films have too much riding on the automobile for it to end on such to sour drive notes never learned the proper way to," the permit muses. "more You have opportunity than he. opportunity to learn the right way to drive. high-sounding generalities begin flying fast and furious: "Respect for the rights of others." "to polite avoidance of contact." "common sense safety." "wholehearted cooperation. permit offers its concluding peroration, just in houses the audience hasn' t salivated enough yet about the prospect of. "I, your permit to drive, to are the ' open sesame' to. -- to freedom of motion you will learn always to cherish. In other words, driving is like dope, and your flag-waving, dream-weaving speaking GM "dealer" is just that. weaves the praises of the being motorists. short-tempered policeman, played by Victor McLaghlan, acts nice to to new Chevy owner and starts to kindness chain. kindly with guide of one Chevrolet provoking. Time: 00:01:57 Audio/Visual: sound, B&W Quality: # Motor City 250 stocks car race. on one famous contest of Cars Stock, the Motor City 250, won. Time: 00:05:11 Audio/Visual: sound, B&W Quality: #. Time: 00:12:06 Audio/Visual: silent, C Quality: # #. #. Time: 00:12:07 Audio/Visual: silent, C Quality: # #. # more Chevrolet theatrical Ads in Technicolor. provide duplicates of the multimedial files of the. all the digital copies of the films to are good quality Hi-Res. All the videos in this Collection to are available in different format, size and definition. the right one for the use you need: home TV vision (DVD-Divx player), IPod, Web or multimedial creations on CD or DVD, creation of documentaries, TV broadcasting, public projections, monitor loop-vision, cultural events and more. We to are just waiting for your inquires. possible to obtain digital duplicates of the multimedial files (movies, videos, audio documents, and Virtual Reality general interest user information, and private study. charged for these files to are on to cost-recovery. run-Time, quality, and detailed informations regarding any multimedial rows to are indicated in the list inside where you can find images and/or animated gifs illustrating any rows, 10 demo-videos, 2 for every different quality class, and 10 samples regarding the other kind of multimedial files composing the collection. done when the order is fulfilled. Normal turn around Time for requests is 3 weeks. 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