29 February 2008
Vegetable side dishes
Exercise: Down and cooling like one warms URL up a connection of your web site the Iconocast web site adds. Early querying knows the lives stores to visit and a contribution form. Your generous contributions except the lives. Exercise: Down warm up and cooling your exercise program with a complete preliminary heating period always begin. Your flexibility muscles Soreness increase and prevent preliminary heating exercises. The purpose of the preliminary heating exercises is to take each connection in your body by its full distance of the movement. After you terminate your Workout, which repeats same exercises, in order to cool down your muscles and connections down. Are here some effective preliminary heating and cool down expansions, which you can try. Each exercise slowly do and in or to two minutes on each expansion spend. If any preliminary heating gives exercise, hurts you, stops, to do it. Begin, by expanding your arms and thorn. With your feet forward confronting and stand for your somewhat bent knees. The expansion as 10 to 20 seconds regard. Your arms slowly lower and with your hands out reach, how you go down, bend and at the waist down. Your knees keep something bent. Attempts to affect the soil but not too far expand, if it hurts and avoids, to strike. Slowly to rise and fall leave your arms to your sides. Article continues down and (thanks) location put up before a wall or doorframe. Forward up to move is comfortable, until you believe a course in the back of your stretched leg. For 10 seconds relax and hold. Repeat with the other leg. Balance on your left leg. If you cannot adjust easily, to a chair to hold on. Your right leg back bend and your for right foot with your right hand hold and up to imprint, is comfortable. Repeat with your other leg. Both of your arms straight hold out. An a foot circle in air with both arms immediately draw. With your feet approximately foot separately stand for one. An arm raise, if the fingers show inward. Bend in the direction of your raised fingers. (if you at all to bend do not know, fair influence arm above the position for some seconds.) should you believe expanding into your side. Repetition with your other arm raised. Expand each lateral three times. Your hands behind your head clasp and slowly turn and over your left shoulder look. Your head to the front side and to lower and to the floor as you look turn slowly to the opposite shoulder. This exercise expands your thigh muscles. On the floor with your legs sit apart, if they go comfortably. Rueber bend and with your arms on the floor forward reach, if you can go. By your inside thighs muscles to expand, on the floor, your feet sit together get, and them toward to your body pull. Your knees with your elbows down-press. Your straight back keep high your head and. Expand, only to that extent you during remaining comfortable can. After your exercise period cold weather and remainder simply do not stop. While you train, causes lactic acid in your muscles builds up, Soreness, fatigue and perhaps squeezes in. Down cooling educates you to feeling better as well as to reduce muscle Soreness. Leader for the health of the men. Suitability and bone health: The skeleton-like danger of Overtraining. Your periods became irregular or stopped. Why missed my period such is a large agreement. Some athletes see amenorrhea (the absence Menstruationsperioden) as indications of the suitable levels of the training. Others see it than large answer to a monthly incommodity. And some young women take it blindly on and do not stop, in order to think of the consequences. But, your Menstruationsperioden to miss is frequently an indication of the reduced Oestrogenniveaus. And unterere Oestrogenniveaus can lead an illness, become more probable brittle in which your bones and, in order to break to Osteoporose. 20 a-yearlyfemale athletes were described as ", the bones 80 of an a yearly woman having. And studies show that the bone growth, which is lost during these years can be recovered possibly not at all. Broken bones straight do not hurt - they can cause durable deformations. You noted that some older women and men have one stooped situation. This is not a normal indication of aging. Breaks of the Osteoporose left their thorns durably changed. By the way periods is not to miss the only problem. "I trained really strongly - all time. Finally my parents let me finish the transverse field one-man shank... I ASS nearly nothing. Training with a pressure break... I trained, even if my body hurt. I thought those pain, the headache and the missed Menstruationsperioden was normal. I thought, which was, as a "master" should feel and train. I was proudly on me thin and disciplined for its thus, and losing, I had carried all "baby fat" in Juniorhigh school. My mentioned friends completely, "man, you have lost as much weight." But I was not in the control. I train still now and I watch out, which I eat, but I am much relaxed, healthier (my doctor says. I have more energy - and more fun. I must stop no more recordings, and I am a master somehow. - a female athlete, which recovered from the problems, those and missed periods are connected with the Overtraining. Who is at the danger for these problems. Some indications are to be looked for here: Missed or irregular Menstruationsperioden oversize and/or "unhealthy-looks" from thinness journeys to the bathroom after meals principal occupation with thinness or weight focus on the calorie-poor and Diaetnahrungsmitteln possible increase of the consumption of the water and other NO and calorie-poor food and beverages (possible increase of the chewing rubber, in addition) Diaet on a group of food or a c$beseitigen of a group of food limits frequent ones intensive periods of the exercise how: Continuous exercise or training of learning sections (z., a Aerobicskurs making and then five miles have one hour run and swum then long, followed by the weight raising, by etc.. One "I cannot miss one day exercise/practice" attitude an excessively procured principal occupation with an injury training despite the conditions, which could, others to lead, "the day," including illness, rough weather, injury, etc.. High levels of the self criticism and/or the self discontent high levels of the psychological or physical pressure, how: Low levels of Self esteem as I can make necessary changes in the interest of my bone health. Also a doctor can help you to undertake steps in order to protect your bones against further damage. Which I can do, if I assume that a friend can have some these indications. Carefully and sensitively approach your friend or crew comrade. It probably does not overrate a lecture, as it should care better over. My friend drinks a quantity of Diaetsoda. She says that this helps to hold their order. Frequently girls and women, who can feed, drink Diaetsoda instead of urgently needed milk. (milk and other milk products are a good source of the calcium, a substantial component for healthy bones), drinking soda can be juvenile in place of the milk a problem, particularly during that years, when maximum bone growth arises. A vibration of the frozen yogurt can be an occasional easily fetthaltige, tasteful festiveness. Or fruit a Smoothie try, which is formed with frozen yogurt, fruit and/or calcium-enriched orange juice. It is important for you to consider the problems which are connected with bone loss in the today's active young women. You can know well, when something seems to be amiss. Coaches and teachers should also consider the implicit or express announcements, which send them to their client. A main interest on health, strength and suitability should be stressed, instead of a main interest on thinness. My coach and I think that I should lose straight little more weights. I wish exceed in my sport. However many coaches state that its it is too thinly unhealthy and achievement can affect negatively. It is important to exercise and watch out, what you eats. However it is also important to develop and maintain healthy bones and bodies. Without these it does not constitute, how quickly you can run, as thin you are, or as long you exercise each day. Balance is the key. I am not convinced yet. If my bones become brittle, so which. Which is the worst thing, which could happen me. Brittle bones cannot sound possibly like any other deadly or rare illness to fear SAM in such a way. The fact is, Osteoporose can be very painful. It can cause inability. Itself present to have so many thorn breaks that you lost tariff in the height and to go bent surplus. Itself present regarding the soil you down everywhere to go, because you your back do not straight-arrange can. Itself present not to be to find clothes fit to you. Itself present to have breathe difficulty and eat, because your lungs and stomach are squeezed together into a smaller area. Itself present to have and let alone, because of the pain and the deformation train difficulty a going. But Osteoporose is not fair the illness of a "older person". Young women experience also breaks. Meal for healthy bones: How much I need calcium. It is very important to your bone health that you receive sufficient daily quantities calcium, vitamin D, phosphorus and magnesium. These are the vitamine and the minerals, which are most influential in the building bones and teeth. This diagram helps you to decide how much calcium you needs. Where I can receive calcium and vitamin D. Milk products are the sources of primary food of the calcium. Three casings of the milk products should give you at least 900 Milligramme calcium per day green vegetable are another source. There are many large lunch and meal individual parts, which contain calcium. With a small planning and "can," you the meals and lunches calcium realm form can. A high, cold glass would not be at the moment large this renewing thirst Quencher. If you are concerned over fat and calories, you can drink 1% or skimmed milk. You can drink it level or with one low/no fat syrup or spice, like chocolate syrup, vanilla excerpt, Haselnusswuerze, zimt, etc.. Again you can select low/no the fat multiplicity. All different kinds cheese for would sand-yield, Bagel, Omelette, vegetable plate, paste goods creations... or as lunch use. You can now buy (or yours from a mixture to form) a multiplicity of flavours with wenigem or no fat. Rocky road, Buttertoffee, vanilla, chocolate, Pistazie. One low/no fat sauce or syrup add. No matter how you decides, these calcium realms food to eat, remains it a fast, simple and comfortable choice. It is present also in a multiplicity of flavours. Attempts Mokka Fudge Pfefferminz whirl for the more adventurous at the heart and at the vanilla for the more traditional yogurt more snacker. Frozen yogurts (or grease-free ice cream)... Everyone now loves ice cream... and, without the necessary fat gram, cannot you it frequently enjoy. Yogurt, milk and fruit mix, in order to cause a breakfast vibration. A cone at noon or as lunch have. A shovel or two, after dinner can be coolly and renewing. Which are other sources of the calcium. Many food, which you already buy and eats can "are calcium-strengthened." Attempt calcium-strengthened orange juice or calcium-strengthened grain. Examination food sticker to see to if some your other favourite food good sources of the calcium can be. By the way you can also take calcium additions, if you think that you cannot receive possibly enough from your Diaet. NIH Osteoporose and in connection standing bones Diseases~National aid center. National Institut von Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Haut-Krankheiten, national institutes of the health. Source for messages: URL: . Optimism, luck, self-respect, creativity, authority, obtain actual motive. If www visits chemical central increase cancer of the breast danger of contamination materials, food components, solvents can all cause damage, researchers say. Finding is a part of an effort, a free, to establish on-line cancer of the breast data base for researchers and the public. The results are outlined in an addition of 14 May the expenditure for on-line of the cancer. The data base already is either with or with www. They include chemicals, radiation or sticking on means, among other things. The ACS notices also that with exception of skin cancer, cancer of the breast the most general cancer among American Mrs. ist.000 women in the United States with the illness determines, and approximately 40. The international agency of the research on cancer has already 90 or thus builds up as human Karzinogene, according to the ACS classified. But crew of amber said that most chemicals, to which by routine people are exposed examine somehow haben.000 chemicals in the United States for commercial use, in opinion of the researchers not for carcinogenic danger gone through registered. The crew taken off inside on 460 humans cancer of the breast studies, of those more than 150 looked specific Klimakarzinogene among cancer of the breast patients. Most those studies were led into the nineties. The remaining studies referred animal or laboratory research also. The researchers underlined that investigations at animals are valid references, because all well-known human Karzinogene released also tumors in the animal topics. In the investigations at animals alone, proof emerged that connected 216 chemicals with the attack of the chest tumors. From these means the researchers 73 located, those in the human food or consumer products to be found can either. PCBs continue, a danger over dirty rivers, fish and pre existing above ground construction to raise the warned researchers. These carcinogenic chemicals are present on many American jobs and set more than 5,000 women at a increased danger for cancer of the breast, the said researchers. In addition under the characterized Karzinogenen, 29 in the large quantities is produced -- upward of one million zerstoesst or more per year. The data base project stopped strict guidelines not regarding, as one limits load by Karzinogene. But the authors said that they energized research and government supervision into the problem. Straight ones, in cancer of the breast danger expressed, are these and other means on the list as carcinogenic. The jury is on this question, said amber still out. "women are concerned terriblly over climatic causes of the cancer of the breast," said them. "however is really very difficult to study. "so, this work is a very useful tool for from us, that would like to try to understand the what we in the cancer of the breast missed. Now it is up to us to do to the something with all to these information "said amber, called the new data base" an enormous contribution. "I think that this effort shifts us really forward. Including industrielle processes, vocational exposure, sticking on means, chemicals and radiation). Cancer is caused by deviations in DNA of a cell (its genetic "blueprint"). Substances, which can cause changes, which can lead to cancer, to become Karzinogene mentioned. Karzinogene do not cause cancer in any case, all time. The substances, which are classified as Karzinogene, can have different levels of the cancer-causing potential. Some can cause cancer only after the extended, high levels the exposure. As we determine, if something is a Karzinogen. Scientists receive much their data approximately, whether something cancer of the Labor(Zellkultur and animal) to studies to cause could. Found in many cases will Karzinogene first, in order to cause cancer in the laboratory animals and become later found, in order to cause cancer in the people. Most studies of the possible Karzinogene expose the laboratory animals to doses, which are higher than general human exposure. This is, so that cancer danger in the relatively small groups animals can be determined. For most Karzinogene it is accepted that those, which cause cancer at the larger doses in the animals cause also cancer in the people. While these studies supply also useful information, they have also their restrictions. Humans do not live in a controlled climate. And it is normally many years (frequent decades) between load by a Karzinogen and the development of the cancer. Therefore it can be very hard, each certain suspension as segregate a definite connection having to the cancer. If the existing proof forces, but, in order to be locking, can the substance did not believe be regarded, in order to be a probable Karzinogen. International agency for research on cancer (IARC) at most most used system for classifying the Karzinogene comes from the IARC, the part if the World Health Organization (WHO) is. Group of 2A: Probably carcinogenically to humans group of 2B: Perhaps carcinogenically to humans group 3: Unclassifiable regarding the Karzinogenizitaet in humans group 4: Probably not carcinogenically to humans possibly not surprising, are most means of the probable, possible or unknown danger. Only approximately 90 is classified, as "carcinogenic to humans. In the United States the NTP releases the report about Karzinogene over every 2 years. The report about Karzinogene (RoC) marks 2 groups of means: "appropriate anticipated to be in order human Karzinogene to be" differently than the list of the IARCS does not register the RoC substances, which were studied and found, in order Karzinogene not. Under are the lists of the well-known and probable human Karzinogene of both groups. International agency for research on cancer (IARC) Aflatoxine (naturally occurring mixtures of) TO (chloromethyl) ethers and chloromethyl methyl ether (technical degree) 1 (2-Chloroethyl) - 3 (4-methylcyclohexyl) - 1-nitrosourea (methyl -- CCNU. Semustine) Etoposide in connection with cisplatin and Bleomycin virus of the hepatitis B (chronic infection with) virus of the hepatitis C (chronic infection with) herb aid, the operating sorts of the class Aristolochia contain 8-Methoxypsoralen (Methoxsalen) plus radiation the Ultraviolet A MOPP and other combined chemotherapy including alkylating representatives Mundempfaengnisverhuetende means, successively Plutonium-239 and its decay products (plutonium-240 and other isotopes can contained), than aerosols radio iodine, short-lived isotopes, including iodine-131 Atomicof the reactor accident and nuclear weapon detonation (exposure during the childhood) silicone, crystals (inhaliert in the form of quartz or cristobalite from the vocational sources) talcum powder, asbestfoermige fraying contains Tamoxifen (note: There is also conclusive proof that this means (tamoxifen) reduces, the danger of the against-lateral cancer of the breast) Thorium-232 and its decay products, intravenously exercised as colloidal scatter of the dioxide thorium-232 mineral oils, untreated and mildly treated Tobacco products, orally tobacco products boat and shoe manufacture and repair hematites mining (underground) with exposure ton radon isopropanol manufacture (strong acid process) Strong inorganic acid muck containing sulfuric acid (occupational exposure tons) national Toxicology Program (NTP) 11th report on Carcinogens bis(Chloromethyl) ether and of Technical degrees of Chloromethyl methyl ether Human Papilloma Viruses: Some genital Mucosal of type Methoxsalen with Ultraviolet A Therapy (PUVA) mineral Oils (Untreated and Mildly Treated) Strong Inorganic Acid of muck Containing Sulfuric Acid Ultraviolet radiation, Broad Spectrum UV radiation internationally Agency for Research on CAN cerium (IARC) Aristolochic acids (naturally occurring mixtures OF) A-Chlorinated of toluenes (benzal chloride, benzotrichloride, benzyle of chloride) and benzoyl chloride (combined exposures) Kaposi's sarcoma herpesvirus/human herpesvirus 8 (KSHV/HHV-8) Non arsenical insecticides (occupational exposures in spraying and application OF) kind glass, glass container and pressed commodity (manufacture OF) cobalt metal with tungsten carbide national Toxicology Program (NTP) 11th report on Carcinogens 2-Amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP) 2,2-bis-(Bromoethyl)-1,3-propanediol (Technical Degrees) p-Chloro-o-p-Chloro-o-toluidine and p-Chloro-o-p-Chloro-o-toluidine of hydrochlorides. 3,3&rsquo.-Dichlorobenzidine and 3,3&rsquo.-Dichlorobenzidine Dihydrochloride Lindane and OTHER Hexachlorocyclohexane of isomer 4,4&rsquo.-Methylenedianiline and 4,4&rsquo.-Methylenedianiline Dihydrochloride Michler&rsquo.s Ketone [ 4,4&rsquo.-(Dimethylamino)benzophenone ] internationally organizations and Web Sites * in addition ton the American CAN cerium Society, OTHER SOURCES OF information include: Internationally Agency for Research on CAN cerium (IARC) (Centre international de Recherche sur le CAN cerium (CIRC). Internet address: . * Inclusion on this cunning of does emergency imply endorsement by the American CAN cerium Society. The American CAN cerium Society is happy tons of ADDRESS almost any cancer related topic. If you have any more questions, please call US RK 1-800-ACS-2345 RK any time, 24 hours A day. Internationally Agency for Research on CAN cerium (IARC). Mono graph: Pair of overalls evaluation OF Carcinogenicity ton of Humans. Department OF Health and Human services. Public Health service, national Toxicology Program.
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